Page 3 - Ellis County Business Journal - July 2016
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Hot! Hot! Hot!                                                                                   July 2016 | Ellis County Business Journal | 3

H	 While that’s a great description of summer weather in North Texas, it’s also accurate way                WAXAHACHIETX.COM

to describe the Ellis County business climate. To say the local economy is heating up would          DAILY LIGHT
be a gross understatement.
	 Word has gotten out that Ellis County is a hot commodity.                                                  Established 1867
	 There are so many “good news” stories going on in our Ellis County communities. While                        ESsctaobttliBsrhoeodks1867
we are experiencing growth in all economic sectors, what’s been a joy for us to cover has been
all the unique small businesses that are taking root in our communities.                                              SPcuobtltisBhreoroks
This month’s cover story is a classic example as we explore one of the hottest things in the real                        Publisher
estate market — bardominiums. This is a must read story that will change a lot of perceptions
on housing.                                                                                                              Neal White
	 As I stated in our last issue, when it comes to feeling bullish about our local economy,                                  Editor/
there is no shortage of reasons to invest in Ellis County.
	 Every other month, the Ellis County Business Journal magazine continues to shine the                               General Manager
light on businesses and economic development issues within the boundaries of our county.                                       Neal White
If you have a suggestion for a business you would like us to highlight, please let us know. You
may email me at , or give me a call at 469-517-1470.                                           ShellyECdoitonr/lon
	 We sincerely hope you enjoy.                                                                                        MaGnaengeinragl MEadniatogerr
	 On behalf of the Waxahachie Media Group, we look forward to a great spring and we will                            JoeAAaMr.aoCnnaoSgncinhsgwtEaadnditceorireor
see you again in September.                                                                                        ProdJuocetiAo.nCMonasntaangceior

Neal White                                                                                                              MPraordvuicntioCnlMaraknager
Editor/General Manager                                                                                             CirculaMtioarnviMn Calnaarkger
Waxahachie Media Group
                                                                                                                          Circulation Manager
                                                                                                                      BevBeervleyrlHy aHrarrirsis

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