Page 4 - Ellis County Business Journal - July 2016
P. 4

Not such a rough life4 | Ellis County BusinessJournal | July2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photos by Scott Dorsett/The Daily Light

Bardominiums a growing housing trend

By ANDREW BRANCA                         son who is into woodworking,          	 “There is nothing standard          west of town and we allowed four
                                         working on cars, a hobbyist or has    about them. You can build them as     lots for bardominiums. They are
LDaily Light Staff Writer                recreational vehicle, Brett said.     big or as small as you want. Most     sold. It was just a little 13-lot subdi-
                                         With the space that a bardomin-       guys, they are not looking for a big  vision over by the supercollider, on
	 Looking for that personal touch        ium provides, homeowners can          place when they do these things,”     FM 1446.”
in a home or just something out of       have space for these interests built  Hess said. “I work with a developer   	 Bardominiums use a metal
the ordinary that stands out? Living     into the floor plan.                  that has put a little subdivision in  building on the outside. The inside
in a bardominium might just be the                                                                                   is then customized to the owners
perfect choice for you.                                                                                              needs, tastes and likes.
	 This growing housing choice in                                                                                     	 “They put them up and they are
the real estate community blends                                                                                     insulated. The metal is insulated.
the spaciousness of a barn and the                                                                                   When they build the 2 by 4 struc-
custom home into one package.                                                                                        ture inside them, they are insulated
	 “Originally people want them to                                                                                    again. One of the first ones that I saw
be able to lower their taxes. The ap-                                                                                was four years ago. When you were
praisal district has caught onto that.                                                                               inside of it you could not tell that
Now people are making them nicer,”                                                                                   you were inside a bardominium,”
Broker Associate with Hi View Real                                                                                   Hess said. “They are quick to build
Estate Brett Hess said. “Now the                                                                                     and cheaper per square foot. Now
thing is easy care. You can power                                                                                    you can’t build them everywhere;
wash your house if you want it clean.                                                                                you have got to find a lot that is not
It is less expensive. It is efficient.”                                                                              deed restricted for this type of thing.
	 The home is perfect for a per-                                                                                     In most subdivisions they want 75
                                                                                                                     percent masonry,” Hess said.
                                                                                                                     	 A normal tract home is around
                                                                                                                     a $100 per square foot whereas a
                                                                                                                     bardominium is about $50 a square
                                                                                                                     foot, Hess said.
                                                                                                                     	 “You thought that you were in a
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