Page 5 - Ellis County Business Journal - July 2016
P. 5

July 2016 | Ellis County Business Journal | 5

high end $135 a foot home,” he said.    going to be a horse barn with the     you have your wash bay and tack     wide and 50 feet long. Then on the
	 And don’t worry about finding a       raised center in middle where you     room, we made that into a garage    right side where the horse stalls
buyer. Bardominiums have been hot       have that isle all the way through,”  in the back. Then we had a hallway  were, that was my kids’ bedrooms.
on the market for several years, he     Green said. “On the left side where   down the middle that was 20 feet    This was built out of rough cedar
said, remembering one in particular.
	 “He had all his living quarters.
Then he had a 16-foot roll up door
where he could pull his RV in. That
one went on the market and it had
three offers. This is when the market
was bad, that was 2011,” Hess said.
	 Waxahachie resident Rodney
Green has owned three bardomini-
ums in the past and the appeal for
him has been to construct some-
thing different each time.
	 “I was a builder and a general
contractor and my wife and I de-
cided ‘hey let’s do something differ-
ent.’ The first one that we really did
was off of Higgins Road. We de-
cided that we were going to build a
barn and live in it until we built the
house. So we built this big barn and
it was going to be built like it was
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