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CorbiN FLoWer SHoP

           StArted oN A LeAP oF

           FAitH … 58 YeArS AGo!

           Owners say that although times, trends and the nature of the busi-     it a day or not,” he admits. “i don’t know
                                                                                  how  long  it  was before  i  ever really did
           ness have changed, friendly customer service, and a passion for the    anything. Nobody knew me really.”
           job, are still the keys to building a lasting business
                                                                                      Johnny echoed that sentiment.
                                                                                      “it’s  about  like  any  business,  when
           PhotograPhy and story :                                                you start you don’t know if you are going
           MarK WhItE                                                             to make it or not,” he noted.
                                                                                      buddy  kept at it with  persistence,
                                                                                  hard work and long hours. It paid off.
             n 1960, 22-year-old buddy Woods was   Such were the beginnings of Corbin   in 1963, rhoda, who had been work-
             working at a finance company and not   Flower Shop,  which  58  years later the   ing  at Sterchi’s Furniture Company,  quit
             making a lot of money when he decid-  couple  is still running  along  with  their   her job  in  order to start working  at the
          ied to go into the flower business.  son, Johnny Woods.                 flower  shop  where  she  has  been  ever
               one night, he came home asked his   For the first few years at the flower   since.
           wife, rhoda Woods, if she knew what he   shop,  buddy  didn’t  fare a lot  better in   today, the  Woods  family is some-
           wanted to do. She asked him what.   the flower business than he had in the fi-  times serving  customers who  are the
               “I  said,  ‘I  am  going  into  the  flower   nance business.      third generation of their family shopping
           business.’ i had done rented the building   At that the time, he wasn’t even   at Corbin Flower Shop.
           before i told her that,” buddy said laugh-  thinking about making it 58 years.  rhoda credits good work for helping
           ingly. “She said, ‘do what?’”           “i didn’t know whether i would make   the business grow to the point it is today.
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