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OVER 20                                                  TOPIC
   $275.00 Each

     Easy-to-Use • Professional • Educational

            Goodbye Nicotine?   Short-term Effects of Tobacco Use
            Hello Withdrawal   Tobacco use causes bad breath, smelly hair
            Without nicotine, the  and clothes, and it puts yellow and brown
            addicted brain suffers  stains on the teeth. Elevated heart rate
            withdrawal. Withdrawal  occurs after brief use. Using tobacco also  Secondhand Smoke
                        The smoke that comes off the end of a
            makes users depressed,  increases the risk of other drug abuse.  cigarette is even dirtier than the smoke the
            frustrated, angry, or  Smokers quickly lose athletic ability
            irritable. They may  because smoking decreases lung capaci-  smoker inhales. The toxic chemicals in
                        secondhand smoke cause bronchitis, pneu-
            have trouble sleeping,  ty from the first drag. Young smokers’
            difficulty concentrating,  lungs stop growing, and their lung  monia, asthma, coughs, and ear infections
                        in children or co-workers of smokers.
            headache, fatigue, and
      The Nicotine Trap  increased appetite.  function is limited for life. Smokers have  Nonsmoking spouses of smokers are 40%
      You’ve probably heard that smoking  Withdrawal leads the user to  chronic coughs and increased incidence of  more likely to develop lung cancer and
      cigarettes and chewing tobacco are bad for  start using tobacco again for relief.   bronchitis and severe asthma.  heart disease than others.
      you. Have you ever wondered why so many  Spit tobacco makes chewers drool. The gums
      people use tobacco anyway? The simple,  Smoke and Mirrors  pull away from their teeth, and they don’t  Tobacco and Health
      one-word answer is addiction. The addic-  Nicotine is why people who start using  grow back. Gum loss leads to more tooth
      tion to nicotine is as hard to break as the  tobacco can’t stop, but it’s hard to figure out  decay. Chewers often have sores, white and
      addiction to heroin!    why anyone starts in the first place.  red patches, and lumps in the mouth. Many  Don’t Start
      All tobacco has nicotine. In fact, the level  Some young people start smoking or chew-  of these sores are pre-cancerous.    If someone offers you a cigarette or a dip,
                        say “No thanks, I don’t smoke (or chew.)”
      of nicotine in spit tobacco is about three  ing because they think it’ll make them look
      times as high as in cigarettes. When a  older. Tobacco does age its users—when  Long-term Effects of Tobacco Use  End of story. Don’t be tobacco’s next victim.
      smoker inhales tobacco smoke, nicotine  • Prematurely wrinkled skin.   Most users wish they had never started.
      reaches the brain in a few  they’re 25 they look 35, and when they’re  • Permanent gum and tooth loss.  Tobacco use is unattractive, annoying to
            35, they look 50.
      seconds. Spit tobacco is  Models and actors look sexy and healthy  • Chronic bronchitis.  others, and deadly to everyone nearby. If
                  • Weakened immune system.
      absorbed into the blood-  you have friends who smoke or chew,
      stream through the  when they smoke, and that may influence  • Stomach ulcers.   encourage them to quit. The sooner they
      gums. No matter  others to start. But models and actors have  • Abnormal sperm cells and   quit, the better off they’ll be.
      how it enters the  makeup artists to hide their wrinkles and  impotence.
      body, nicotine  rotten gums, and security to keep you from  • Miscarriages or premature,
      affects the way  smelling their nasty tobacco breath.  undersized babies.
      brain cells, or neurons,  They’re also lucky audiences can’t see their  • Menstrual disorders and early
      communicate with  unsexy black lungs.  menopause.
      each other. Nicotine  • High blood pressure.
      excites many neurons to release  One tough influence to avoid is peer pres-  • Heart attacks and congestive heart failure.
            sure. If someone hangs around with tobacco
      excess “messengers” or neurotransmitters.  users, his or her odds of using go way up.  • Blocked blood vessels and strokes.
                  • Cancer of the upper lung, respiratory
      After a few uses, the brain becomes used to  Misery loves company.
      higher levels of those neurotransmitters.    tract, mouth, and throat.
            There is no good reason to use tobacco. It  • Cancer of the bladder, kidney, pancreas,
            looks and smells awful, but the real issue is  and cervix.
       Tobacco Addiction  that tobacco is the single largest cause of  • Emphysema (collapsed lung structures.)  death in the world.  • Chronic obstructive lung disease.
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            WHY QUIT SMOKING?
           Your health will improve, you’ll
           save money, enjoy more social
           opportunities, and protect
           others from secondhand and
            thirdhand smoke.
            AFTER YOU QUIT FOR:
             20 MINUTES  Cigarette
            Blood pressure and heart rate return   smoking causes   On average,
             to a normal level.
                over 480,000   smokers die 10
             12 HOURS  deaths each   years earlier
            The carbon monoxide level in your
             blood normalizes.  year.  than
             1 YEAR  nonsmokers.
            The risk for heart disease is half that
             of a smoker’s.
                80 to 90% of lung cancer deaths
             5 TO 15 YEARS  are due to cigarette smoking.
            The risk of stroke decreases to that of
             a nonsmoker’s.
                Over 16 million Americans have
             10 YEARS
            The risk of dying from lung cancer is   a disease caused by smoking.
            about half that of a smoker’s.
             15 YEARS
            The risk of heart disease is the same
             as that of a nonsmoker.
                 Make a Quit Plan
            Eliminate the Evidence  Include the day you plan to quit,
           On the day before your Quit Day,    the quitting strategy (cold turkey,
           remove any reminders of smoking, like   nicotine patches, prescriptions, etc.),
           ashtrays, and thoroughly clean any    challenges you foresee, and how
           areas in which you have smoked.  you will overcome them.
             Change Your Routine
                  the doctor for prescriptions or
             Eliminate habits that are linked    Take any necessary steps like going to
            with smoking, like drinking coffee     purchasing nicotine replacement
             or taking certain driving routes.  products.
            Reasons and Rewards  Use Your Resources
                 Family, friends, your state’s
           List the reasons why you want to quit   quitline, and local support groups
           smoking and how you will reward    can help you make it through
           yourself for reaching milestones.
                  difficult times.
             Start a Smoking Journal
             Document what triggers your
            nicotine cravings, what you will use
            as substitutions (things to keep your
             mouth and hands busy) and as
            distractions (activities that will take
             your mind off smoking).
            Keep Your Guard Up
           You will have cravings and other
           withdrawal symptoms. Don’t let them
           derail your efforts!  Focus on staying
           smoke-free one moment at a time.
           Moments add up and with time, the
            cravings will fade.
            Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking!
            It may be challenging, but it’s not impossible!
             STAND UP, TAKE CHARGE,
     Substance Abuse • Violence Prevention • DUI • Bullying
      Distracted Driving  • Public Safety • Crime Prevention
    $275.00 Each
    FREE PERSONALIZATION!                     877-329-0570 (toll-free)
                                                877-329-0573 (fax)
      INFO@PTRPRESS.COM • 877-329-0573 FAX                             1
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