Page 16 - Waves March 2019
P. 16

T                rivia              W W                                                   on Page 66
                                                 W AV E SAV E SAV E S

                                         C L A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D SL A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D SL A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D SL A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D SL A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D SL A S S I C   R O C K   L E G E N D S

                           C a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   C l a s s i c   R o c k   B a n d s ?a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   C l a s s i c   R o c k   B a n d s ?a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   C l a s s i c   R o c k   B a n d s ?
                           C C           C C C C C

           Hint: John Lord      Hint: Ready For Love  Hint: Hard Rock | Color  Hint: A City in MA    Hint: Bad Moon Rising

         Hint: Wheels of  Fire   Hint: Keith Moon        Hint: Roxanne         Hint: Mr. Roboto     Hint: Just what i needed
                                               C l a s s i c   R o c k   Tr i v i al a s s i c   R o c k   Tr i v i al a s s i c   R o c k   Tr i v i a
                                               C C
      1. This classic rock band had hits such as "Sym-  4. One of this group’s concept albums was made   7. One of the most dysfunctional bands of the clas-
       pathy for the Devil" and "Satisfaction". Although   into a movie. This one depicted a boy shutting   sic rock era would be this one, containing members
      they were usually stoned during their early concerts,   himself out from the world mentally. This band’s   such as Slash and Axl Rose. Rose was often late for
      they've cleaned themselves up quite a bit and are   singles include “Baba O’ Riley”, “My Generation”,   concerts or never showed, and most of the mem-
      now playing clean shows. Who are they?   and “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. Who are they?   bers of the band had excessive problems associated
                                                                                    with drugs or alcohol. The band split in 1996 after
        O The Who        O The Rolling Stones        O Aerosmith          O  AC/DC       the guitarist left, but few of the members are still in
        O AC/DC          O Led Zeppelin       O  Pink Floyd         O  The Who      a band today. Name the band that released hits of
                                                                                    the 80’s like “Paradise City” and “Mr. Brownstone”.
      2. This late 70’s-early 80’s classic rock band played   5. This band has a habit of either recording very
      the “Monsters of Rock” concert at Donington   short songs, or very long songs. Out of the four   O  The Beatles              O Van Halen
      Castle in 1991, and released a DVD of the show.   members, three have had solo careers. Arguably,   O  Guns N’ Roses         O Jimi Hendrix Expe-
      During this band’s performances, items you may   this band’s greatest hit is “Stairway to Heaven”.   rience
      see on stage include a giant bell, a humongous in-  What is the band’s name?
                                                                                        B B
      flatable woman and a Gibson SG. Name the band.                                    B O N U S   R O U N DO N U S   R O U N DO N U S   R O U N D
                                              O The Who          O  Led Zeppelin
       O AC/DC        O  Jimi Hendrix Experience        O  Van Halen        O  The Doors
       O  Cream          O Rush
                                             6. This artist was too poor to afford a left handed
      3. This band released one of the best albums in   Fender Stratocaster, so he played a right handed
      classic rock history in the 1970’s. It contained hits   one upside-down! Although he lived a short life
      like “Us and Them”, “Brain Damage”, and “Time”.   due to drugs, this artist played hits like “Hey Joe”,
      One of this band’s other albums, “The Wall”, was   “Purple Haze” and even managed to cover “The   Hint: Cream  Hint: Friends
      made into a movie in 1982 and starred Bob Geldof   Star Spangled Banner”! Name the BAND that this
       as the main character who goes through several   artist is in.
      events that lead to mental isolation. Name the band.
                                              O The Jimi Hendrix Exp.       O Angus Young
       O Pink Floyd          O  Motley Crue        O  Jimi Hendrix                         O AC/DC
       O Aerosmith            O  The Who
                                                                                        Hint: Flight      Hint: Zeppelin

      16  |  Waves Magazine  |  March 2019 Issue
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