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T               rivia              W W                                                 on Page 66
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                                 C a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   B a s e b a l l   I c o n s ?a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   B a s e b a l l   I c o n s ?a n   Yo u   N a m e   T h e s e   B a s e b a l l   I c o n s ?
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                                                W W
                                                Wo r l d   S e r i e s   Tr i v i ao r l d   S e r i e s   Tr i v i ao r l d   S e r i e s   Tr i v i a
        1. This 2006 NL team was a division winner, but won   5. The Toronto Blue Jays began their franchise in the   9. Which player in history was the first to ever appear in
        the fewest games of any NL division winner by winning   1977 season. They won their first two consecutive   an amazing 75 career World Series games?
        only 83. The Detroit Tigers in the American League   World Series in which seasons?
        won 12 more games than them in the season, but it all                      O Babe Ruth      O Nobody has ever done this
        came down to the World Series. Which team defeated   O 1974 and 1975       O 1999 and 2000       O Yogi Berra      O Roger Maris
        the 2006 Tigers in the World Series?   O1977 and 1980        O 1992 and 1993
                                                                                   10. The American League’s Athletics organization began
        O Minnesota Twins      O Chicago White Sox     6. Two big World Series guns, Lou Gehrig and Babe   in 1901 with the new American League. They were the
        ONew York Yankees    O St. Louis Cardinals  Ruth, hit four home runs in a World Series. Ruth was   Philadelphia Athletics until 1954, then the Kansas City
                                              the first in 1926, then Gehrig in 1928. It would not   Athletics until 1967, then the Oakland Athletics who
        2. The New York Yankees went to their first World Se-  be for another 25 seasons before a player duplicated   three consecutive World Series in which years?
        ries in 1921, but lost to the Giants. The New York Gi-  this feat in a World Series. Not only that, but the same
        ants defeated them again in the in 1922 series. However,   player who did it in 1952, did it again in 1955. Who was   O 1994-1999       O 1981-1986
        the Yankees stood above everyone else, finally in the   this Brooklyn Dodger?   O 1972-1974       O 1953-1958
        1923 series winning it all against the same Giants. For
        the Yankees, Joe Dugan and Aaron hit a home run each.   O Mark McGwire    O Mickey Mantle
        Which other Yankee hit three home runs in the series?   O Duke Snider         O Joe DiMaggio
                                                                                        B B
                                                                                        B O N U S   R O U N DO N U S   R O U N DO N U S   R O U N D
        O Babe Ruth            O Whitey Ford     7. From 1949-1953, the New York Yankees not only
        O Mickey Mantle      O Alex Rodriguez  won the American League in each season, but won the
                                              World Series for an amazing five straight times. Which
        3. Which National League team won the 1901 World   team in 1954 prevented the Yankees from winning their
        Series?                               sixth American League title, and also went on to lose in
                                              the World Series?
         O There was no World Series in 1901   O New York
        Yankees    O  Boston Red Sox     O Los Angeles Angels  O San Diego Padres    O Montreal Expos
                                              O Atlanta Braves         O Cleveland Indians
        4. In 1964, Bob Gibson set a World Series series record
        by striking out 31 New York Yankees in a series title for   8. 2004 saw the so-called “Curse of the Bambino”
        his Cardinals. 1968 saw him break his own record by   erased when this team, and as a wildcard, went all the
        striking out 35 batters in the World Series, but lost to   way to win the World Series against the St. Louis Cardi-
        which team?                           nals. Which Terry Francona manager-led team was this?
        O Florida Marlins       O Detroit Tigers     O Minnesota Twins     O Detroit Tigers
        O California Angels    O New York Mets  O Boston Red Sox       O Los Angeles Angels

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