Page 8 - Waves April
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B U R K E ’S B R I E F S
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Hello Wavers, Baseball Season is in full swing and our strike your nerves this month. How much
Trivia Challenge will test your baseball
money is too much to spend without first
knowledge. Take the Trivia Challenge and discussing it with your spouse or significant
ay has arrived and with it comes see how your knowledge compares to that other? Jan & Dean answer that question in
some wonderful entertainment of your friends. Go Astros! their timely Jan & Dean column.
M to be enjoyed on our beautiful
island. As always, Waves is your complete Waves is truly fortunate to have noted Gal- Want to know what’s happening in our
entertainment source. No one covers the veston veterinarian Dr. Richard Hender- downtown area? Christy Monroe has that
fun things to see and do in Galveston like son here with us each month. Check out his covered in her terrific Waves Downtown
your Waves Magazine does. Pet Corner column and learn what is the Currents column. Need a little inspiration?
prefered pet food to serve our beloved pets. John and Kathy Valastro are here with
Your Waves team was busy in April. We their very well written Reflections column.
attended the ribbon cutting for Wild Galveston is a fishing paradise. Waves has
Bill’s awesome new store location in Patrick Lemire and Max Conner, two of Want to take fantastic tour? Kimber
LaMarque. We were treated to some the top fisherman in the area, here giving Fountain’s Red Light District Tours is
absolutely great food prepared by Wild Bill you expert tips and advice to land that “big extremely popular. Make your reservations
and Barbara. Thank you for your hospitality. one.” When buying your fishing tackle be today.
While speaking of food, your Waves Team sure and see Chris Gonzales at Serious
attended a terrific cooking class at the Tackle. Also, be sure not to miss his 5th May is full of great live music. Check out
Kitchen Chick. Very informative and all of annual Fishing Tackle & Marine Swap Meet, the schedules of Galveston’s live music ven-
the food we prepared was amazing. Sign up scheduled for May 18th. ues and do your part in keeping live music
for these classes. Highly recommended and flourishing in Galveston.
Waves approved. The Galveston area is a hotbed for great
live theatre. No one has more knowledge of JOIN THE FUN WITH US WED.
Staying on the subject of food ( yes we the theatre scene than our Waves colum- MAY 15TH AT SHARKY’S TAVERN
know what foodies our readers are) Tom nist, Paul Hager. Check out Paul’s column FOR OUR MONTHLY WAVES
Valliere and Charlie Bresenhan have two and be thoroughly entertained. SOCIAL PARTY FROM 7 TO 10 PM.
restaurants for you to check out in their GREAT LIVE MUSIC PROVIDED BY
very popular Restaurant Review column. The columns you have grown to know and THE ISLAND AWARD WINNING
Always a must read. Want to stay home love are all here for May. We love baseball BAND STRANDED. AWESOME
one evening and prepare your own meal? and we love movies. The Beach Bum DOOR PRIZES, TERRIFIC PIZZA,
You are in luck again this month. Waves is combines the two and lists his all time AND A WIDE SELECTION OF BEV-
featuring two wonderful recipes from the favorite baseball movies. Had enough of ERAGES. SEE YOU THERE!
kitchens of Wild Bill and the ever popu- unwanted Robocalls? Pet Peeves will really
lar Miss Bunny. Don’t miss out on these. Mike Burke | Publisher
8 | Waves Magazine | May 2019 Issue