Page 13 - Mexia | The Heart of the Texas Triangle - 2017 Vol. 4 No. 2
P. 13

Mexia Blackcats

 “True Defenders of the Crimson and the Black”

                                    As the new Superintendent of Mexia ISD, I am pleased and hon-
                                  ored to be the newest member of the Blackcat family. I come from

                                  a family that has served communities and children for several gen-
                                  erations and have been overwhelmed with the feeling of family in
                                  Mexia . In my short time in here, I have seen a community full of

                                  tradition and love for their schools.
                                    Here in Mexia ISD we believing in creating a premier district that

                                  represents the pride we all have in our community. Everyday our
                                  sta strives to produce graduates that will be productive members

                                  of society. Educating everybody takes everybody and we value the
                                  support we receive through our PTAs, Athletic Booster Club, alum-

                                  ni, and businesses.
                                    Our spring activities include baseball, softball, soccer, track, and
                                  one-act play. Our students travel to many communities in Texas and

                                  represent the best of Mexia. Later in the spring we get to recog-
                                  nize our Senior Class of 2017 with Prom, Project Graduation, Senior

                                  Walk, Senior Awards, and Graduation. Seeing our students walk the
                                  stage as graduates always brings so many of us back to remember-
                                  ing them on the first day of kindergarten and our own memories of

                                    Spring is the time of growth and rebirth. If you haven’t been by one

                                  of our campuses in a while please stop by and see the great things
                                  happening every day in your school district. Our teachers and kids

                                  show me daily what it means to be a “True Defender of the Crimson
                                  and Black”.

                                                                                                       Dr. Lyle DuBus
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