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Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home.

       Here are a few reasons why:
       Shopping local is the first thing we can do to support and grow our local economy.
       When our dollars are kept locally, it increases the amount of taxes collected that our police, fire and public services
       need to perform their function. Safer communities happen when we spend locally.
       Local shops sell great products at affordable prices.
       Shopping locally saves you time and money. You travel less, saving on time and fuel.
       Shopping local is important but shopping our Chamber members is even more so.  Our Chamber members go above
       and beyond to ensure our community’s health and prosperity.  They are committed to making Whiteville and Colum-
       bus County the best place to live, work, and play.  Help them, help our community.  Go to
       for a complete listing of our members.

                                                                         601 S. Madison St.
                                                                           Whiteville, NC

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