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                                                                             birDs oFoF

                                                                           Kimble County
                                                                           Kimble County

                                 birDinG                                    Eared Grebe (winter)   Northern Rough-winged Swallow

                                                                            Pied-billed Grebe (winter)
                                                                                                   Cliff Swallow
                                                                            Double-crested Cormorant
                                                                                                   Cave Swallow
                                                                            Great Blue Heron
                                                                            Cattle Egret
                                                                                                   Carolina Chickadee
                                                                            Green Heron            Barn Swallow
                                                                                                   Black-crested Titmouse
                                                                            Wood Duck              Verdin
                                                                            Green-winged Teal (winter)  Bushtit
                                                                            Blue-winged Teal (migrant)  Cactus Wren
        Throughout the year, Junction boasts                                Northern Shoveler (winter)  Canyon Wren
      several hundred different species of                                  Gadwall (winter)       Rock Wren
                                                                            American Wigeon (winter)
      birds. Whether you are an experienced                                 Ring-necked Duck (winter)  Carolina Wren
      birder or an admirer of nature, you will                              Lesser Scaup (winter)  Bewick’s Wren
      likely notice the beautiful variety of                                Ruddy Duck (migrant)   Ruby-crowned Kinglet (winter)
      winged creatures.                                                     Black Vulture          Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
                                                                                                   Eastern Bluebird
        The area’s rivers and numerous                                      Turkey Vulture
      streams, as well as its biological diver-                             Sharp-shinned Hawk     American Robin
                                                                                                   Northern Mockingbird
      sity, make Kimble County and Junction                                 Red-shouldered Hawk    European Starling
      an excellent area for bird-watching.                                  Red-tailed Hawk        Cedar Waxwing (winter)
        Locations are now listed on the                                     American Kestrel (winter)  Yellow-rumped Warbler (winter)
      Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s                                 Wild Turkey            Black-and-White Warbler
                                                                            Northern Bobwhite
      Heart of Texas Wildlife Trail West.                                   Killdeer               Wilson’s Warbler
      Among the favored spots on the Trail’s                                Spotted Sandpiper      Yellow-breasted Chat
      Llano Loop are the Junction Waste-                                    Various “peep” sandpipers  Summer Tanager
      water Treatment Ponds, City Park,                                        (migrant)           Rufous-crowned Sparrow
      Texas Tech University at Junction (with                               Rock Dove              Cassin’s Sparrow
      advanced permission), the South Llano                                 White-winged Dove      Chipping Sparrow
      River State Park and the adjoining Wal-                               Mourning Dove          Clay-colored Sparrow (migrant)
      ter Buck Wildlife Management Area.                                    Inca Dove              Field Sparrow
        Just five miles outside of Junction off                             Yellow-billed Cuckoo   Lark Sparrow
      Highway 377, South Llano River State                                  Greater Roadrunner     Black-throated Sparrow
                                                                            Great Horned Owl
                                                                                                   Savannah Sparrow (migrant)
      Park offers several high quality wildlife                             Common Nighthawk       Song Sparrow (winter)
      observation blinds. The maintained                                    Common Poorwill        Lincoln’s Sparrow (winter)
      river habitat and feeding schedules                                   Chuck-will’s-widow     White-crowned Sparrow
      assure that visitors don’t have to be                          Barbara Barnes   Chimney Swift     (winter)
      seasoned birders to spot and enjoy the                                Black-chinned Hummingbird  Dark-eyed Junco (winter)
      array of birds inhabiting the area.                                   Belted Kingfisher      Northern Cardinal
                                                                            Green Kingfisher       Pyrrhuloxia
                                                                            Ringed Kingfisher      Blue Grosbeak
                                                                     Robert Stubblefield  Ladder-backed Woodpecker  Painted Bunting
                                                                            Golden-fronted Woodpecker
                                                                                                   Indigo Bunting
                                                                            Downy Woodpecker (occasional)
                                                                                                   Rufous-sided Towhee
                                                                            Northern Flicker (winter)
                                                                                                   Canyon Towhee
                                                                            Eastern Wood-Pewee
                                                                                                   Red-winged Blackbird
                                                                            Vermilion Flycatcher
                                                                            Ash-throated Flycatcher
                                                                                                   Western Meadowlark (winter)
                                                                            Great Crested Flycatcher  Eastern Meadowlark
                                                                            Western Kingbird       Yellow-headed Blackbird
                                                                            Scissor-tailed Flycatcher  (migrant)
                                                                            Loggerhead Shrike (winter)  Great-tailed Grackle
                                                                            White-eyed Vireo       Common Grackle
                                                                            Bell’s Vireo           Bronzed Cowbird
                                                                            Black-capped Vireo     Brown-headed Cowbird
                                                                            Yellow-throated Vireo  Orchard Oriole
                                                                            Red-eyed Vireo         Scott’s Oriole
                                                                            Blue Jay               House Finch
                                                                            Scrub Jay              Pine Siskin (winter)
                                                                            Common Raven           Lesser Goldfinch
                                                                            Purple Martin          House Sparrow
                                                                             Kimble County’s  top 20
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