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our communities
Columbus County is home to more lake Waccamaw bustling city lies along major thorough-
than 58,000 residents who call the small Established in 1911, the town of Lake fares U.S. 74 between Lumberton and
towns and communities in the county Waccamaw is a small community on the Wilmington, U.S. 76 from Florence,
home. A moderate climate, friendly at- shores of the largest natural freshwater SC to Wilmington, and U.S. Route 701
mosphere, picturesque natural environ- lake in North Carolina. In less than 4 from Elizabethtown to Conway, SC.
ment, and historic ambience make the square miles, the town offers access to a The city is home to the North Carolina
county a perfect home for families and prehistoric lake, a rich Native American Museum of Natural Sciences and has
those searching for a peaceful retirement history, an abundance of fish, reptiles, a vibrant downtown, vineland village,
location. birds, and endangered plant species, home to unique restaurants and shops.
and warm, friendly neighbors. A historic vineland Station, built in 1903, is one of
chadbourn train station built in 1904 by the Atlan- North Carolina’s original brick depots
Incorporated in 1883, Chadbourn be- tic Coast Line Railroad serves as the and serves as the town’s civic center.
gan as a railroad town centered around town’s depot museum. Every Labor Day The Columbus County Courthouse in
a station formerly known as Timberville. weekend, hundreds of participants from Whiteville is listed on the National Reg-
Nicknamed ‘The Sunny South Colony,” across the southeast flock to the town for ister of Historic Places. The North Caro-
the town was named after the Chadbourn Take The Lake, a series of personal en- lina Pecan Harvest Festival takes place in
family of Wilmington, and was an im- durance challenges for swimming, pad- the city each November.
portant railway center between Wilming- dling, running and biking.
ton and Florence. Strawberries were the other communities
crop that brought the town into promi- tabor city From the small towns of Bolton, San-
nence, and in the first three decades of Founded as a rural market town on the dyfield, Cerro Gordo, Boardman and
the 20th century, long lines of farmers Atlantic Coast Railroad in 1905, the Brunswick to the communities of Mount
awaited turns at the town’s auction shed. town of Tabor City borders the state of Olive, Buckhead, Hallsboro, Riegel-
Chadbourn is host to the North Carolina South Carolina. Within 30 minutes of wood, Evergreen, Nakina, St. James,
Strawberry Festival, the longest running the beaches of the Grand Strand in Hor- Old Dock and Williams Township, Co-
agricultural festival in the state. Held the ry County, SC and Brunswick County, lumbus County offers locations that fit
first weekend of May, this event draws NC, the town is home to award-winning the lifestyle of any family. Bolton, on the
more than 10,000 people, who also ex- campgrounds, muscadine wines, and eastern end of the county, is home to the
plore the historic Chadbourn Depot family values. visitors can tour a historic annual Pine Tree Festival. Buckhead,
Museum. one-bedroom schoolhouse from 1870, near Bolton, is home to the Waccamaw
see the historic Tabor City Railroad De- Siouan Tribe, one of eight state-recog-
fair bluff pot that maintains artifacts of the town’s nized Native American tribal nations in
Nestled against the banks of the national- rich tobacco and lumber industries, or North Carolina. Williams Township,
ly recognized Wild and Scenic Lumber spend time at Lake Tabor, a 100+ acre south of Whiteville, is a farming com-
River, the community of Fair Bluff was recreational lake home to fishing, boat- munity anchored by Williams Township
incorporated in 1873. The town’s earli- ing, picnics, and ball fields. In the mid School, the largest public school in the
est inhabitants were turpentiners, lum- 1930s Tabor City became known as the county, serving kindergarten through
bermen, and merchants. The Fair Bluff “Yam Capital of the World.” The North eighth grade. Mount Olive, north of
Depot, built in 1887, is now a museum Carolina Yam Festival takes place in the Whiteville, is a community organized
and filled with treasures and relics of the town annually in October to pay tribute around the historic Mount Olive Mis-
town’s history. The town boasts a beau- to the sweet potato. sionary Baptist Church, founded in 1872
tiful elevated river walk that follows the by African-American pastor Rev. John
course of the Lumber River and offers a Whiteville Washington Worley. Cerro Gordo, on
stroll with nature. Each April, the town With a population of more than 5,000 the western end of the county along U.S.
hosts BBQ on the Bluff, a barbeque residents, the City of Whiteville serves 76, has the highest elevation in the coun-
cooking competition featuring some as the county seat for Columbus Coun- ty and according to legend was named
of the finest cooks in North and South ty. Named for the original owner of the after the “Battle of Cerro Gordo” in the
Carolina. town site, James B. White, in 1810, the Mexican-American War.
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