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                 WARRIOR II (Virabhadrasana II)                  WARRIOR III (Virabhadrasana III)
                •  From Mountain Pose, step out to the side with the right foot.   •  From Mountain Pose, take a long step back with the right
                 Drop the heel to flatten the foot at a 15- to 30- degree   leg into a high lunge position. Keep the right heal lifted and
                 angle.                                            the left knee slightly bent.
                •  Left foot is at a 90-degree angle with the knee directly over   •  Gently lower the torso over the left knee.
                 the ankle.                                      •  Reach  both  arms  overhead  and  parallel  to  the  floor.
                •  Open the hips and shoulders to the side and keep the   Keep palms facing each other.
                 shoulders directly over the hips.               •  Begin to lift right leg as the left leg simultaneously
                •  Reach the arms out, press the shoulders down and feel   straightens. Drive the left supporting heel into the floor,
                 length and energy through the fingertips.         keep the knee soft and engage the core.
                • If able, drop down so the left thigh is parallel to the floor.  •  Aim to get arms, torso and right leg parallel to the floor.
                • Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Repeat on other side.   •  Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Repeat on other side.

                        These and more yoga poses at

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