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                   Brodhead Elementary School

                   Compact Agreement:  It is a declaration of intent by all parties who sign to help each other
                   achieve mutual objectives.  These promises are voluntary commitments made by individuals to
                   themselves and to others.

                   As a Teacher, I promise to…
                         believe that each student can learn
                         have high expectations for myself, students and other staff
                         demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude
                         come to class prepared to teach
                         show that I care about and respect all students
                         help each child grow to his/her fullest potential
                         communicate and work with families to support students’ learning
                         involve parents in school programs
                         respect the cultural and social differences of students and their families
                         help my students learn to resolve conflicts in positive ways
                         provide meaningful and appropriate homework activities
                         provide a safe environment conducive for learning
                         enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently

                   As a Student, I promise to…
                         have high expectations for myself
                         believe that I can learn and will learn
                         always try to do my best in my work and in my behavior
                         attend school regularly
                         ask for help when I need it
                         help keep my school safe
                         show respect for myself, my school and other people
                         resolve conflicts in positive ways
                         obey the school and the bus rules
                         come to school prepared with my homework and my supplies
                         work cooperatively with adults and other students
                         take pride in my school

                   As a Parent/Guardian, I promise to…
                         have high expectations for my child as an individual
                         help my child attend school and be on time
                         provide a home environment that encourages my child to learn
                         help my child learn to resolve conflicts in positive ways
                         communicate and work with teachers and school staff to support and challenge my child
                         participate in the decision making related to the education of my child
                         attend activities and opportunities to help parents become a full partner in their child’s education
                         respect school staff and the cultural and social differences of others
                         volunteer time at my child’s school
                         support the school’s PTG (Parent Teacher Group)
                         attend parent/teacher conferences
                         work with teachers as equal partners in implementing and coordinating parent involvement and
                          building ties between home and school

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