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                                      EDUCATION     LEGISLATION     LEADERSHIP

                                     The Southeastern Wood Producers Association Inc., formed by loggers for loggers in 1990,  is the leading ad-
                                     vocate for professional loggers in Florida and Georgia.  Your membership dues also support the American
                                     Loggers Council, which is a national logging association uniting all state logging associations in the United
                                     States. The SWPA staff is always available to serve you and answer your questions. Please give us a call to dis-
                                     cuss member benefits and to learn about how you can be involved in your association.  Together we make a
                                     ALL LOGGING COMPANIES                                                  AMOUNT
                                     Member companies are eligible for all SWPA Purchase Power Programs. Member   $  400.00
        Board of Directors           employees may attend any SWPA CLE workshops or SWPA Chapter Meetings at
        President                    no cost.   Your annual dues provides for one full time woods crew and office staff.
        Scott Gies                   An additional $50.00 is due annually for each additional woods crew employed by
        Vice President               your operation at the time of your membership renewal.
        Russell Fowler               PURCHASE PROGRAM MEMBER
        Secretary – Treasurer
        Jerry Gray                   ASSOCIATE MEMBER CATEGORIES
        Chairman – Past Pres         Consuming Wood Fiber Companies:                                        $1,000.00
        John Lane                    (Pulp, Kraft, Cellulose, Chip, Mulch & Large Saw mills). All employees eligible for
                                     Education rate of $30 per person  for all full day SWPA Workshops.  No Charge for
                                     District- Chapter Meetings and workshop 4 hours or less.

        Association Staff            Small Saw Mills, Wood Brokers, Land Management Companies: All employees  $  500.00
        Executive Director           eligible for Education rate of $30 per person for all  full day SWPA Workshops, No
        Tommy Carroll                charge for District –Chapter Meetings and workshops 4 hours or less.
        Executive Director             Merchant-Vendor Associates:  Business member category only.  Education bene-  $  300.00
                                     fits do not apply. No Charge for District-Chapter Meetings.  Contact SWPA for fur-
        Administrative Assistant
        Pam Bennett                  ther details or to establish an “alliance partner agreement” associated with this
        Administrative Assistant     membership category.
                                     Platinum Associates: Eligible for Education rate of $30 per person for all full day  $  200.00
                                     SWPA Workshops, No charge for District – Chapter Meetings and workshops 4
        Board Members                hours or less. This is an individual membership not available for Wood Producer -
        Steve Dixon                  wood fiber hauling companies.
        Justin Foster                Trucking Companies: Member companies are eligible for all SWPA Pur-  1-10 Trucks:       $   250.00
        R. P. Glass Jr.              chase Power Programs. Eligible for Education rate of $30 per person for
        Brian Henderson              all full day SWPA Workshops, No charge for District – Chapter Meetings  11 - 15 Trucks:  $   500.00
        Charles Johns                and workshops of 4 hours or less.  PURCHASE PROGRAM MEMBER   15+ Trucks:        $1,000.00
        Darlene McDonald
        Randy McKenzie               Basic Associates:  Friends of SWPA - Receive SWPA “Out of the Woods” newslet-  $  50.00
        Ryan Pavlik                  ter subscription and other member information and action alerts via email when
        Ronnie Pollock               provided.
        James Rhue                   All Memberships receive SWPA “Out of the Woods” Newsletter Subscription
        Tommy Rollins                The American Loggers Council represents over 50,000 logging professionals in 28 states.  The Southe-
        Richard Schwab               sastern Wood Producers Association is proud to be a member of the  American Loggers Council.   For
        Ken Sheppard                 more information please contact the ALC office at 409-625-0206 or e-mail at
         Keith Smith       
        Don Snively
        Tim Southerland              Name: ________________________________      Fax No: _______________________________
        Dillon Stratton, III         Company Name: _______________________     Home Phone:__________________________
        Coye Webb, Sr.
                                     Address: ______________________________      Wk Phone: ____________________________
                                     City: __________________St._____________  VISA - Master Card - AMEX Accepted !
                                     Zip___________ County: _________________        Check here if you wish to Call
        (904) 845-7133               Email Address: _________________________        with your Credit Card Information
        Fax: (888) 252-3919                                                   Mail to: SWPA, P. O. Box 9,
        Email form to:               Cell Phone: ____________________________  Hilliard, FL  32046
                                            Check here if you wish to receive text.
                                                                              Date: ____________  Check#:_____________
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