Page 8 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 8

B                     U R K E ’S   B R I E F S

                                                                JUL Y 2019

                  Hello Wavers!               hours of community service and Galveston   Again, we at Waves are truly honored to be
                                              is so very fortunate to have her. Kathy was   a part of this wonderful organization.

            uly has arrived and with it we at Waves   presented the award by Rotary President
          Jhave some big news to share with   Ruth Finkelstein Suhler.             All of your favorite columns are here for
          you. As you know, Waves Entertainment                                    July. Waves Entertainment Magazine works
          Magazine is a firm believer in giving back   The Rotary Club has a Four-Way Test   very hard each month to provide you with
          to our Galveston community. We do it each   which I believe we should all strive to live   a fun and entertaining publication, both in
          and every month.                    by. It asks the following four questions of   print and online at
                                              the things we think, say or do:      Like us on Facebook at Waves Galveston.

          It is with great pride to inform you that
          Waves Entertainment Magazine was    •   Is it the TRUTH?                      JOIN THE FUN WITH US
          recently initiated into the Galveston Rotary   •   Is it FAIR to all concerned?  WEDNESDAY, JULY 10TH AT
          Club. This is a fantastic organization that   •   Will it build GOODWILL and   SHARKY’S TAVERN FOR OUR
          provides so many fantastic services to our   BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?         MONTHLY WAVES SOCIAL PARTY
          wonderful community. I want to give a   •   Will it be BENEFICIAL to all   FROM 7 TO 10PM. LIVE MUSIC
          special shout out to Robyn Bushong for   concerned?                             PROVIDED BY THE
          being our sponsor. Thank you very much,                                   ISLAND AWARD WINNING BAND
          Robyn.                                                                     STRANDED. AWESOME DOOR
                                                                                      PRIZES, PIZZA, AND A WIDE

          Waves also wants to offer a very special                                    SELECTION OF BEVERAGES.
          congratulations to Kathy VanDewalli,                                             SEE YOU THERE!
          Marketing Director for The Grand 1894
          Opera House. Kathy received the Rotary                                          Mike Burke
          Club of Galveston’s prestigious award as
         “Most Valued Rotarian” for this 2018-2019                                           Publisher
          Rotary year. Kathy performs countless

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