Page 27 - 6037 OutoftheWoods
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Out of the WoodsAdvertising Index
AssuredPartners NL ................................................31 John Deere Forestry with Timber Mart South ..................................................24
Baldwin Filters (Purchase Partner) .........24 Beard & Flint Equipment ..................................15 Vitillo/Wilson Hose Service ..........................20
Barko ................................................................................2, 25 Knight Forestry Inc. ....................................................2 Yancey Bros ...................................................................20
Bates-Hewett & Floyd...........................................12 Maxi-Load ..........................................................................12
Bitco .......................................................................................27 Mizell Development Inc. ...................................24 Note: All ads will run continuously
Commercial Insurance Services Inc. .....19 Murray Oil Sales ..........................................................19 unless otherwise notified.
Ferrell Timber & Site Prep Inc. .....................12 Nokian Tires ....................................................................18 Advertising contents are provided by
Forestry Mutual ..........................................................29 PRIMEX-SWPA (Purchase Partner) .........23 and responsibility of the advertisers.
GCR Tire .............................................................................32 Quality Equipment & Parts Inc. ............2,25
Giant Tire Sales and Service .........................30 Safety On Site ................................................................19
Guffin & Eleam Insurance Inc.. ....................25 Swamp Fox Agency Inc........................................12
J de Souza............................................................................8 Tigercat—Tidewater Equipment.. ........... 26
Out of the WoodsQuarterly Publication AD Rates
Full Page: Color (full bleed) $815.00 issue / Greyscale $675.00 issue For more information please contact:
(8.5” x 11” full bleed ink space) the SWPA Office
Half Page: Color $535.00 issue / Greyscale $405.00 issue PO Box 9, Hilliard, Florida 32046
(8.5” x 5.5” or 4.25” x 11” full bleed ink space) (904) 845-7133 Fax: (888) 252-3919
1/4 Page: Color $405.00 issue / Greyscale $275.00 issue email:
(8.5” x 11” full bleed ink space)
Bus Card: Color $405.00 Annually / Greyscale $335.00 Annually
(3.5” x 2.1” ink space)
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We’ve been providing the insurance protection and responsive e’ve been providing the insurance protection and responsive
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services for wood-related risks for decades.
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All programs may not be available in all states.
Best of all, you’ll experience service from people who know
Best of all, you’ll experience service from people who know All programs may not be available in all states.
and care about your business.
and care about your business. Insurance contracts are underwritten and issued by one or more of the
Insurance contracts are underwritten and issued by one or more of the
following: BITCO General Insurance Corporation and BITCO National
following: BITCO General Insurance Corporation and BITCO National
Insurance Company, rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, A2 Stable by
Insurance Company, rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, A2 Stable by
Moody’s, and A+ Strong by Standard and Poor’s.
Moody’s, and A+ Strong by Standard and Poor’s.