Page 31 - Let's Make Waves - October 2018
P. 31

your majors can participate?          SPTs.  COM is one of only about 3 other
                                                                                   schools in the state of Texas to offer this
                                             BROWN - We strive to create as many   training and the ONLY one that offers it
                                             unique production opportunities for our   to it’s students for FREE!  It’s just anoth-
                                             students as possible, whether they are tech  er marketable skill for young theatre artists
                                             or performance oriented...            that will make them stand out from the
                                             RADIO PLAYS:  We give them the op-     PAUL - Many opinions have been writ-
                                             portunity to train at Voice Acting with our  ten about why Theatre Education is im-
       We strive to select a mix of contemporary
       We strive to select a mix of contemporary  live radio plays in which we mount old   portant at all levels, beginning with ele-
       and recognizable titles that will offer a
       and recognizable titles that will offer a   radio scripts in the old radio studio style   mentary and middle schools. What is your
       variety of comedy, drama and musical the-                                   'take' on its importance and benefit to
       variety of comedy, drama and musical the- complete with actors playing multiple
       atre each year with our season being com- characters and a live Foley table providing  those on the college level, even if they
       atre each year wiwiw th our season being com-
       posed of one mid-season musical, one   the sound effects before a live “studio”   don't plan on perusing theatre as a career?
       posed of one mid-season musical, one
       summer musical and four plays (some just  audience.
       summer musical and four plays (some just
       for laughs and some to make you
       for laughs and some to make you                                             BROWN - Theatre skills teach students
       think).  We also work to bring a nice bal-  COM|Lab Theatre Series:  Just this   Creativity, Confidence, Problem Solving,
       think).  We also work to bring a nice bal-
       ance of student and adult appropriate   year, we have also added a new series   Perseverance, Focus, Non-Verbal Com-
       roles to the season, based on who our cur- which will consist of one, student-only   munication, Collaboration, Dedication,
       rent roster of Theatre Majors and making  “bare bones” production each semester   Accountability and how to receive Con-
       certain they are provided with perfor-  featuring a special guest director.  The   structive Feedback.  They’ll be able to bet-
       mance opportunities that will challenge   COM|Lab Theatre series is for Theatre   ter express their ideas confidently and to
       them and encourage growth.            Majors only, so they will have the oppor-  use and express empathy in the world they
                                             tunity to play a variety of age ranges and   navigate in.  Those skills will serve them in
       PAUL - You also give your students and   character types and features student de-  any career: Business Entrepreneurs, Doc-
       adult actors the opportunity to work with  signer opportunities for stage manage-  tors, Lawyers, Nurses, Communication
       guest directors.  Who are some of them?   ment, set, costume, lights, etc.   Specialists, Politicians, Teachers, etc. etc.
                                                                                   THEATRE (truly) IS LIFE!
       BROWN - Each year in our 6 show sea-  STAGE COMBAT:  Each Spring, we
       son, I direct three shows and we have lo-  have free stage combat certification classes  So, I challenge you to come to COM The-
       cal and national guest directors for the   for the Theatre Majors.  I’m a Certified   atre and see for yourself.  You won't be
       other three.  This gives our actors / tech-  Teacher with the Society of American   disappointed…these patrons certainly
       nicians the opportunity to learn from and  Fight Directors and - as such - I am quali- aren't!
       work with a wide variety of theatrical per-  fied to teach certification classes in the 8
       sonalities and styles and - once again -   recognized weapon styles of the
       serves to expand their professional net-  SAFD.  Each Spring we alternate between
       work outside of COM.  Past guest direc-  a semester of “Swashbuckling” Single
       tors have included Brian Hamlin, who is a  Sword or a semester of a combined Un-
       Theatre professor at San Jacinto College -  armed / Knife certification.  The students
       Central Campus and, our most recently,   train all semester and then choreograph
       Ray Gabica, a professional actor/director/ fights and put them to dramatic scenes
       costume designer from the Illinois/   from plays and perform them in SAFD
       Chicago area.                         Skills Proficiency Test scenes which are
                                             adjudicated by one of the worlds 16
       PAUL - Besides performing and working  SAFD Fight Masters.  This past year,
       backstage on your regular season's pro-  Fight Master Michael G. Chin from New
       ductions, what are some of the other per-  York City came to campus to adjudicate
       formance/production ventures in which   the students in their Unarmed / Knife             Cry Baby

                                                                                      Waves Magazine | October 2018 Issue |  31
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