Page 8 - Let's Make Waves - September 2018
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Caroline Picard has a laugh out loud joke Check out our Waves
for us this month in her Waves exclusive Exclusive Columns
Comedy Corner column. Caroline is a
comedy headliner all over the country. She Jan & Dean is here to offer relationship
is also a featured performer on advice in a very timely column.
Carnival Cruise Lines. Don't miss her ter-
rific performances. The Beach Bum has a very entertaining
column regarding misheard song lyrics.
Dr. Richard Henderson is with us again
this month with his must read Pet Corner Pet Peeves has a gripe this month that will
column. Dr. Henderson is one of resonant with all of us.
Galveston's premier veterinarians and pet
care specialists. His insight is very special Waves Magazine is by far the most
Burke’s Briefs to all of us. interactive publication in Galveston. We
love to involve our readers. In this
The Kitchen Chick has a great line up of
months very popular Trivia Challenge,
H ello everyone. I would like ryone. I would like cooking classes being offered throughout find out how you can win a wonderful
ello eve
the month of September. Attend one of
to begin the month of
to begin the month of
door prize at our next Waves Social Party
September by thanking eve- her classes and learn from the best. Also
September by thanking eve-
September 19th. Take the Trivia
ryone for your
ryone for your
outpouring of wonderful comments
outpouring of wonderful comments go by and check out her beautiful Challenge!
Galveston store.
regarding our August publication. We
regarding our August publication. We Waves Magazine is very big on giving
strive hard each month to bring you the
strive hard each month to bring you the We have a terrific fishing section again back to the community that supports us
most entertaining product available on our this month. This has turned into an
most entertaining product available on our all. Please see the articles regarding The
beautiful island. Many thanks to our terrif- extremely popular section. This month
beautiful island. Many thanks to our terrif- Salvation Army, Meals On Wheels,
ic readers and advertisers.
ic readers and advertisers. expert fisherman Patrick Lemire will Ronald McDonald House and The
show you how to catch giant tuna. Check Galveston Humane Society. Please give
One thing we know for sure is that our out our fantastic fishing guides and book a your support to all of these amazing
One thing we know for sure is that our
readers are always looking for wonderful trip with them. Also go by and see Chris organizations.
places to eat and drink. Waves regular Gonzales, owner of Serious Tackle, for
contributors Tom Valliere and Charlie all your fishing gear and tackle. Thanks again to everyone for your
Bresenham are here as always this month fantastic support. We couldn't do this
with two outstanding Galveston venues Be sure and check out Waves regular con- without you. Next month we will be
you won't want to miss. tributor Paul Hager's entertainment col- celebrating the one year anniversary of
umn. No one knows the live entertain- Waves Magazine with a Special October
Champion cooker William (Wild Bill) ment scene like Paul does. Another must Issue!
Powell has a mouth watering recipe for read.
you that is simply amazing. Be sure and go JOIN US WED. SEPT. 19TH AT SHARKY'S
by and see Billy and Barbara at their beau- Waves Magazine is a strong supporter of TAVERN FOR OUR MONTHLY WAVES
tiful store Wild Bill's. The ever popular live music. See our music section and go MAGAZINE SOCIAL PARTY. GREAT LIVE
Miss Bunny, a Waves regular contributor, out and support live music venues such as PRIZES AND TERRIFIC FOOD AND
has a recipe that is simple to make but oh Sharky's Tavern and Woody's Beach Bar. DRINKS. COME JOIN THE FUN!
so tasty. You will enjoy reading about our Waves
Band of the Month. This month we are Mike Burke | Publisher
Super talented stand up comedian featuring The New Offenders.
8 | Waves Magazine | September 2018 Issue