Page 10 - Waves March 2019
P. 10

                        E                                                       They Are

              Corner                                                    Called Wild for

                                                                                A Reason

                                                                           by: Richard Henderson, D.V.M

                                                                such an animal.

                                                                Exotic parrots present a different problem for the pet owner. They
                                                                often outlive their owners leaving the bird without a committed hu-
                                                                man to care for them. Zoos receive numerous requests to take charge
                                                                of these types of birds, but unfortunately, most zoos do not have the
                                                                need or space to house them. The inn is full, and the parrot is out of

                                                                Pet owners who have lost interest in their charges have released large
           have been fortunate to watch two Komodo dragons, Murphy and   pythons and monitors into the Florida Everglades. These invasive rep-
           Diablo, grow from tiny two-pound infant lizards to seven-foot-  tiles have reproduced readily in large numbers consuming local wild-
       I long (and still growing) young adults. Male Komodos can grow   life species to satisfy their voracious appetites. Some native animals
       to ten feet long and weigh up to 300 pounds. These guys arrived at   will face extinction if this threat is not contained in the near future.
       Moody Gardens in 2001 and have thrived in their state-of-the-art
       exhibit cared for by a team of highly trained naturalists. Their diets,   Certain small exotic animals can make excellent pets, bearded dragons,
       weights, and environment are carefully monitored to ensure that they   ball pythons, cockatiels and guinea pigs, for example. Those animals
       stay in good health.                                     that are typically gentle, adapt well to domesticity and have been bred
                                                                in captivity make the best choices. Before purchasing, one should
       Komodo dragons are a protected species of monitor lizard that   research the species thoroughly making sure the animal’s needs can
       inhabit a few small islands in Indonesia. They are the largest living   be met and that the pet owner is committed to the long-term care
       species of lizard on earth and have many characteristics of dinosaurs.   plan. If a person is not able to make that long-term commitment,
       They can be unpredictable with a vicious and sometimes deadly bite   they should walk away from the purchase. Every animal, no matter
       if provoked. It is fortunate that they are illegal to own by individuals   how small, deserves a good life and protection from harm. It is sad to
       because there are more than a few unrealistic animal collectors who   say many pets suffer a terrible fate due to human disinterest and poor
       would gladly purchase one. Trying to raise one of these creatures   care. These people have no business owning pets for which they will
       would likely turn out badly for human and lizard alike.   not care.

       Like many towns, a city ordinance in Galveston prohibits individ-  Society should take a close look at what animals individuals should
       uals from owning a wide array of exotic animals; lions, tigers, wolves,   or should not be permitted to own. We need strict laws in place to
       alligators, large constricting snakes, and some monitor lizards are a   prevent ownership of dangerous or difficult to care for exotic wildlife.
       few examples. There are also restrictions on keeping livestock in the   I wish there were more restrictions on ownership since so many of
       city limits. The laws are in place to protect citizens from harm should   nature’s creatures have no place living in captivity. The best place for
       the animals get loose. The laws indirectly protect the animals, as it   wild animals is out in nature in spaces where they are protected from
       is nearly impossible for an individual to care for these species over   human harm and free to live as wild animals should.
       the long haul properly. In many rural areas of our state, there are no
       laws restricting ownership of dangerous exotic animals. With a quick
       internet search and a wad of cash, you can be the proud owner of a
       cobra or tiger cub by the end of the week. In the hands of an inex-
       perienced owner and improper handling of an animal, disaster is not
       far away. There are many examples of exotic animals starting as cute
       babies only to grow up and revert to their dangerous adult behaviors.
                                                                               Richard D. Henderson, DVMd D. Henderson, DVMd D. Henderson, DVM
       Animal control or police officers are often forced to kill animals that   Richar
       hurt humans. Even if these pets do not harm people, they are often       Galveston Veterinary Clinic
       abandoned or taken to animal sanctuaries, as their owners can no              2108 61st Street
       longer control them. The purchase of many exotic animals is often           Galveston, TX 77551
       impulsive without thinking about the long-term care and expense of             409.356.9000

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