Page 8 - Waves March 2019
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B U R K E ’S B R I E F S
M A R C H 2 0 1 9
H e l l o Wa v e r s , pertise on how to land that “big one.” Learn this month. Don’t miss John and Kathy Va-
from the experts! Don’t hit the water before lastro’s Reflections column. Already turning
This month we have a really cool Classic Cov- going to see Chris Gonzales and his beautiful into a Waves favorite.
er for all of our wonderful readers to enjoy. store Serious Tackle.
Can’t beat Classic Cars and Guitars. Our Please enjoy our live music section and
cover coincides with a couple of really enter- We all love good food and this months food remember to keep live music flourishing in
taining articles being featured for March. We section will make your mouth water. Billy Galveston. Go out and support our local
have been told countless times that our Trivia “Wild Bill” Powell has an awesome Shrimp venues that feature great live bands. You will
Page is one of your favorites. You are in for Creole recipe for us. Go see Billy and Barbara be glad that you did.
a real treat this month as we feature Classic at their fantastic store, Wild Bill’s. Pick up
Rock Bands from the past. See how many their National Award Winning Seasonings. Once again, I want to thank everyone for
you can identify. Also, be sure and check Don’t miss Tom Valliere’s and Charlie Bre- voting Waves Magazine the Number #1 Print
out our Waves Buddy, the Beach Bum, as he senhan’s Restaurant Review column. They are Publication in Galveston. We couldn’t do
shows us many of his favorite Classic Muscle featuring two fantastic places to eat in Gal- what we do each month without our loyal
Cars from past years. I want one! veston. The ever popular Miss Bunny is back. readers and advertisers. Our dedicated Waves
Her recipe this month is Burt Reynold’s Stew. Team will continue to strive to keep Waves
Every month is a great month to be in Gal- I kid you not. Go by and see our friend The Magazine the most entertaining publication
veston, but March is especially nice because it Kitchen Chick for all of your cooking sup- in the Galveston area.
brings about the beginning of Spring. It also plies. Also, sign up for one of her wonderful
brings back Daylight Savings time. Be sure cooking classes and learn from the best. JOIN US WEDNESDAY, MARCH
and check out this months Pet Peeves to get 13TH AT SHARKY’S TAVERN FOR
a unique take on this event. Check out Paul Hager’s entertaining Curtain OUR MONTHLY WAVES MAGAZINE
Going Up column. No one knows the local SOCIAL PARTY. IT WILL RUN FROM
Christy Monroe is here with her terrific theatre scene like Paul. Get an insiders view 7 TO 10 PM. GREAT LIVE MUSIC
Downtown Currents column. Learn about and the current production schedule of the- PROVIDED BY THE ISLAND AWARD
some new businesses and fun goings on in atre happenings in the area. WINNING BAND STRANDED. AWE-
our beautiful downtown area. Dr. Richard SOME DOOR PRIZES, TERRIFIC
Henderson is back with us with his infor- Jan and Dean are here with their Waves Ex- PIZZA, AND A GREAT SELECTION
mative and entertaining Pet Corner column. clusive Relationship Advice column. Some- OF DRINKS. SEE YOU THERE!
Always a great read. one is trying to kick someone out of bed.
Venture inside and see how that goes. Noted
You are really going to enjoy this months cartoonist and master fiddler Bob Rohan is Mike Burke
Waves Fishing Section. Patrick Lemire and here again with his very popular Buffalo Gals
Max Conner provide some great tips and ex- comic strip. Check out what they are up to
8 | Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue