Page 22 - Waves April
P. 22


                          P  E T  P E E V E s
                          P  E T  P E E V E s

                                                                         OF THE MONTH

                            Stop With The Relentless Robocalls

                t’s not our imagination, we are getting bombarded with Robocalls.
                Over 48 Billion Robocalls were made in 2018 to mobile phone users
                in the United States. An increase of over 60% from the previous
         I year. It’s gotten so bad that we don’t even want to answer our own
          phone when it rings anymore.

         Robocalls are getting smarter and more aggressive. Some of the newest
         tactics include spoofing numbers with a caller’s local area code to make it
          look like a real call. Alas, they are not, and we haven’t won that free cruise
          and we’re not going to have our student loan debt forgiven.

         Robocalls are intrusive, incessant, and they come from everywhere and
          nowhere, even when we are on the Do-Not-Call list.

         Amazingly, 3 to 5 percent of the United States population answers and
         responds to these calls and sends these scammers millions of dollars each
         year. Wake up people!

           Do we like it when the scamming robocalls interrupt our lives
           on a constant, daily basis? Do we like it that we can’t be com-
                 fortable in answering our own phones these days?

                 W E   D O N ’ T

              L I K E   T H A T !

         Together, we can help stop this madness of  Robocalls. Don’t an-
         swer them and when they call, block them. Let’s also demand that
         our elected officials address this horrible situation. Let’s also pres-
         sure Apple and Android to provide new technology that will aid in
         preventing Robocalls. We can also demand our cell phone carriers
         to assist in remedies to this epidemic.

               Have a Pet Peeve ?  Contact us at and tell us about it.  We just may use yours next month!

         22 | Waves Magazine | May 2019 Issue
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