Page 24 - Waves April
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Island Events

                      May 2019

                                                                        45th Annual Historic Homes Tour
                                                                   May 4, 5, 11, 12, 2019 | Galveston Historical Foundation opens the
                                                                    doors to Galveston’s architectural history through public tours of
                                                                   privately-owned homes during its annual Galveston Historic Homes
                                                                  Tour. Large, small, and everything in between, the 2019 tour will have
                                                                                  something for everyone!

                                                                       Yaga’s Wild Game & BBQ Cook-Off
                   Galveston Chamber Women’s                       May 10-11, 2019 | Save the date! The 23rd Annual World Wild Game
                              Conference                          Championship and BBQ Cook-off, benefiting the Yagas Children’s Fund
           May 9, 2019 | The Galveston Women’s Conference is a day-long edu-  Inc., will be held Friday, May 10th and Saturday, May 11th at Pier 21.
           cational event to celebrate women, inspire women, and motivate wom-  Everyone is invited to participate. The competition is an excellent way
            en to strive for the best in both their personal and professional lives.   for backyard chefs and outdoor enthusiasts to show off their culinary
                        skills and enjoy some good old-fashioned fun, fellowship and food.

                        Jeep Go Topless Day                              Galveston Island Beach Revue
              May 18, 2019 | A GIANT family and friends weekend on Bolivar   May 18, 2019  | Based on Island events from summer seasons past
             Peninsula. Thousands of Jeep-lovers meet-up with fellow “jeepers”   like the Pageant of Pulchritude and Splash Day, the Galveston Island
            for a relaxed weekend on the beachfront. Jeep lovers start rolling in   Beach Revue resurrected these favorite Island pastimes into a con-
            Wednesday afternoon and Thursday to enjoy a few extra days on the   temporary two-day, family-friendly event in 2009. The Revue contin-
             Peninsula. Once Friday arrives, so do the numbers of Jeep Lovers   ues to grow each year through events, contestant participation, and
            sporting their version of the ultimate Jeep. Vacation Rentals and RV   attendance and is officially the City of Galveston’s “Kickoff to Summer”
                   Parks are booked well in advance for this event!     event.

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