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Revisiting Rollover Accidents

         Bryan Wagner

         Rollovers accidents are the number 1 cause of serious injuries  onto a soft shoulder can cause rutting and make it hard to re-
         and fatalities to our wood industry drivers.  It creates anxiety  turn the vehicle back onto the pavement.  Sometimes the
         and fear as the truck goes from a stable setting to a volatile  driver over reacts and jerks the steering wheel which in turn,
         situation as the rig turns over.  Most rollover accidents we in-  leads to a rollover.  So what can you do?
         curred were preventable and the driver’s fault.  In about 3-  Loading a trailer:
         percent of the rollovers we had, the rollovers was caused by  •  Heavy logs on the bottom
         another vehicle.
         Log trailers have a higher center of gravity than a normal  •  Loader operator should distribute the weight evenly
         cargo load.  It is extremely easy to exceed the g-forces on a  throughout the bunks
         log truck.  To rollover:                                  •  Make sure tie downs/binders/straps are tight before

            •  a car must exceed 1.3g’s. (g’s - gravitational forces)  leaving the deck
            •  a pickup truck must exceed 1.1 g’s.                 •  Check tie downs/binders/straps along the route as they
                                                                     will loosen.
            •  SUV must exceed .8g’s.                           Driving:
            •  But it takes .4g’s or less for a log truck to rollover.    •  Use caution when turning or changing lanes
           Most rollovers occur when the driver:                   •  Slow down when entering or exiting onto highways
            •  Drifts off the pavement onto a soft shoulder or runs into  •
              a ditch, or                                            Follow speed limit signs going into curves
            •  Makes a tight corner or entering/exiting onto a ramp at  •  Keep the tires on the pavement
              excessive speeds.                                    •  Do not let cell phones or CB radios distract you
            •  Strikes a curb or other object that lifts the truck or  •  Adjust your speed to the weather conditions
              trailer (puts it past it center of gravity) or       •  Give yourself extra time so as not to feel rushed.
            •  Goes around a curve too fast.                       •  Keep following distances so you have adequate time to

         Speed is the number 1 cause of rollovers.  Too fast for the  react to traffic changes
         road conditions on a good day will cause a rollover just as  Remember to give yourself adequate time, keep your speed
         easy as too fast during bad weather.  Add rain, ice, sleet or  under control and maintain proper following distances.
         snow to the excessive speed and you will turn your loaded  Above all else, keep the truck and trailer on the pavement.
         trailer over.  SLOW DOWN and adjust to weather and road
         The weight of the load when a driver drifts off the pavement

           2018 Safety Meeting Record
           2018 Safety Meeting Record

           Date:_______________ Company:__________________________________________

           Names and signatures of ALL attendees to be attached.

           Conducted by:(signature) ___________________________________________

                                                                    Vol 29  Issue 4 2018  l SWPA Out of the Woods  l  l 17
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