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Notes From
          THE SENATE                                                       Nov. 16th, 2018

          Special Session Responds to Hurricane
          The Legislature has fulfilled the Governor's call for special session as called in the November 9th 2018 Proclamation. Be-
          tween the $270.8 million in additional appropriations to support disaster recovery from Hurricane Michael and the additional
          timber tax credit legislation, the state is moving forward in rebuilding from the devastation encountered by so many in southwest Georgia.

          $270.8 MILLION TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD                                 $20 million to the Georgia Develop-
          Governor Deal raised the revenue estimate from $26,226,914,974 to     ment Authority for emergency disaster re-
          $26,497,741,251.  This $270.8 million increase permits the state to cover expenses lief assistance as approved by the State
          incurred as result of Hurricane Michael as well as to begin recovery.   Forestry Commission for cleanup efforts
          The revenue estimate itself includes $205.8 million in state general funds and  and debris removal for Georgia timberland own-
          $64.9 million in motor fuel funds. This increase is fiscally sound since revenue  ers in counties impacted by Hurricane Michael.
          growth of 2.3% to meet the FY 2019 budget.                            $7.4 million for the State Forestry Com-
                                                                                mission (SFC) to replace firefighting equip-
          FOCUSING ON EMERGENCY                                                 ment used in clearing timberland
          The FY2019 Amended Appropriations bill, HB1EX, makes several adjustments  destroyed or damaged by Hurricane
          for Hurricane Michael relief and statewide economic development.      Michael.  The State Forestry Commission

          $69.3 million- to the Governor's Emergency Fund (GEF). Will pay       currently has a heavy equipment inventory
          the state match for the federal disaster assistance funding for expenses related to of over 650 pieces, which include aircraft,
          damages and operating costs associated with Hurricane Michael.  A large portion  bulldozers, transport trucks (including trail-
          of that, debris removal, will cost upwards of $82 million with the state share of  ers), and fire engines.
          $20.5 million included in the appropriation for GEF.                  $770,000 for the State Forestry Commis-
          Other emergency fund items include the state share of $695,349 for    sion to expedite construction of the consol-
          52,740 tarps delivered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency  idated Miller-Early County District 2 office in
          (FEMA); the state share of $3.1 million for 1,831,488 meals delivered through  Blakely to replace the Colquitt and Blakely of-
          FEMA, not including non-profits; and the state share of $1.7 million for water and fices damaged by Hurricane Michael.
          ice totaling over 4.7 million liters of water, 2.7 million pounds of ice, and 310 deliveries.  $25 million for the OneGeorgia Author-

          Also, the state is covering costs including the portion of local government  ity to provide financial assistance to local
          expense for debris removal, emergency protective measures and other costs in-  communities impacted by Hurricane
          curred for roads and bridges, water control facilities, and public utilities of ap-  Michael and for statewide economic devel-
          proximately $6.8 million.                                             opment efforts.
          Nearly $4.8 million is currently the state share for hazard mitigation and  $15 million for Department of Commu-
          $581,702 for the hazard state management cost.  The total funds required will be  nity Affairs Regional Economic Business As-
          upwards of $50 million.  The current estimate is 20% of the total cost estimate for sistance (REBA) grants for projects with
          the disaster.  This figure is initially calculated at the 30 day mark, revised at the 6  immediate statewide economic impact.
          month mark, and then finalized one year after the incident.           $69.3 million for the Department of
          $8.9 million to the Department of Administrative Services for the     Transportation (GDOT) in state general and
          state funded share of increased state agency property insurance premiums to  motor fuel funds estimated as a result of
          cover property loss claims from damage to state properties during Hurricane  HB 170 to be used to offset expenses in-
          Michael. State agencies have reported more than $23 million in damages to state  curred as a result of Hurricane Michael.
          facilities or property in those areas within the federally declared disaster.  GDOT estimates that they have spent $31
          $55 million to the Georgia Development Authority for emergency        million to date in clean up and recovery ef-
          disaster relief assistance to Georgia farmers in the 31 counties impacted by Hurri-  forts, which will be partially offset by fed-
          cane Michael.  The Georgia Development Authority was created to help develop  eral reimbursement.
          opportunities for Georgia's farming communities, and assists the agriculture and
          industry by insuring loans to farmers and agribusiness interests.  GDA's loan port-
          folio includes agribusiness loans, land and equipment loans, and alternative loans
          such as debt refinancing assistance and educational opportunities.

          I may be reached at 234 State Capitol, Atlanta , GA 30334. (404) 656-5038 (phone), (404) 657-7094 (fax),
          E-mail at - Or Call Toll-Free at 1-800-367-3334 Day or Night Reidsville office: (912) 557-3811
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