Page 21 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 21
Kids Summer Cooking
at The Kitchen Chick!
We offer a variety of camps and classes Week Long Cooking
throughout summer taught by talented, Camps:
passionate chef instructors that provide
young chefs with hands-on learning! Each camp is 4 days (Monday, Wednes-
day-Friday) in length, held 1PM-4:30PM,
Each student leaves with copies of the limited to 14 students (7-14 years; teen
recipes they learned to make, as well as camp 13-17 years) and led by dynamic duo
lifelong skills, kitchen confidence of certified teachers.
and delicious memories!
• July 8: Brunch Bunch!
Take a Cooking Class at • July 15: Summer Lovin’ Comfort
The Kitchen Chick! Food!
Our camps and classes immerse your child Done In A Day Kids
in a safe, educational & entertaining world Cooking Classes:
of food and feed their interest in cooking!
Students learn cooking techniques, discuss Each class is held 11AM-2PM, limited to
healthy eating and practice food/kitch- 14 students (7-14 years) and led by dynam-
en safety in these deliciously hands on, ic duo of certified teachers. A little sweet, a
interactive and encouraging lessons! Your little savory and a lot of FUN!
child’s kitchen confidence will skyrocket!
• Monday, July 1: Hogwart’s Banquet!
Registration Is Open! • Wednesday, July 3: Road Trip
Through America!
Register for any number of weeks during • Wednesday, July 31: Baking is Hap-
the summer – pick one or two weeks, piness - Goodies!
or sign up for all five! The cost for each • Wednesday, July 31: Hogwart’s Ban-
one-week session is $275 per camper. The quet (starts at 3:00PM)
Kitchen Chick offers a $25 discount when • Thursday, Aug. 1: Baking is Happi-
enrolling a sibling in the same week-long ness - Treats!
session. Payment due in full at time of • Friday, Aug. 2: Baking is Happiness
registration. - Favs!
Done in a day camps are $50/child. No We look forward to encouraging your
discount is available. Payment is due in full young chef’s lifelong love of cooking! Please call
at time of registration. 409-497-2999 or email
Please call 409-497-2999 or email alicia@ com to enroll your child. to enroll your child.
Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue | 21