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                                                                             GET YOUR

                                                                     M MAARRIIJJUUAANNAA

                                                                                C CAAAARRDD


         KETO QUICHE

                              By Nellie Palmer

          Crust                      In a large bowl, combine
         — 2 cups almond flour         almond flour, egg, crisco and
         — 1 large egg                 salt. Mix with a fork until
         — 2 tablespoons melted butter   blended.
          crisco                      Divide dough into quarters
         — 1/8 teaspoon finely ground   and use to line each quiche
           sea salt                    pan.
                                      Place pans on a cookie
          Filling                     sheet and pre-bake for 12          FREE EVEVE AVAV LALA UAUAU TATA ION
         — 1 cup heavy cream           minutes.
                                                                            FAASASA TSTS APAPA PPPP RPRP OVOVO AVAV LALA
         — 4 large eggs               Prepare filling by combining         F F
         — 1 tablespoon mayonnaise     heavy cream, eggs, mayon-        • PuPuP blic wewew lcome at our CBD Loungngn e
         — 1/4 teaspoon sea salt       naise, salt and pepper. Whisk
         — 1/2 teaspoon white pepper   until well blended. Fold in     • Maririr jiji uana NuNuN rse onsite fofof r edudud cation
         — 1/2 cup shredded Swiss      Swiss cheese and Parmesan
          cheese                       cheese.
         — 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan    Spoon into crust, dividing      CERTIFIED
          cheese                       evenly. Do not over-fill, or it
                                       will spill over while baking.   MARIJUANA
          Topping                     Allow room for the mixture
         Roasted Zucchini Chips        to expand when baked. (If
         — 1 zucchini                  you have mixture left over,        DOCTORS
         — 1 tablespoon olive oil      you can spoon into muffin
         — 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning  cups and bake. Keep in                  Visit us online
         — 1/4 cup grated Parmesan     the refrigerator and heat
          cheese                       in microwave for a quick       Free Refills
                                       breakfast on the go.) | CertifiedMarijiji
          Directions                 Place zucchini chips on top
          Preheat oven to 350 de-     of each quiche.              Call to schedule your free evaluation today
            grees and spray mini quiche    Bake 30 to 40 minutes               (954) 840-3284
            pans with cooking spray.   (depending on the size of           2096 N. University Dr. Sunrise 33322
                                       the pans.)
                                                                                (305) 403-6241
                                                                          44 NW 167th St, N. Miami Beach 33169   37
                                                                                                    INSPIRE HEALTH
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