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The Medical & Scientific Advisory Board of                         dure which would exclude many of our

                 the Scleroderma Foundation released the                           current patients.
                                                                                      This study is an extremely valuable
                  following statement on January 8, 2018                           contribution to the treatment of sclero-
                                                                                   derma. However, there are numerous
                                                                                   unanswered questions, some of which
               The results of the National Institutes   only two patients died from progression   are being addressed in follow-up studies,
             of Health (NIH) supported multi-center   of their scleroderma, compared to 11   including how long the improvement lasts
             SCOT (Scleroderma: Cyclophosphamide   patients treated with Cytoxan indicating   (is it in fact life-long or will the disease
             or Transplantation) trial were published   that the stem cell group had a better   eventually relapse), which patients are the
             in the January 4, 2018 issue of the New   treatment response than the Cytoxan   best candidates for this strenuous proce-
             England Journal of Medicine.       group. However, this needs to be weighed   dure, is there a better preparative regimen
                                                against the fact that two patients died in   (combination of chemotherapy with/
             DESCRIPTION OF THE TRIAL:          the stem cell group due to transplant-re-  without radiation) that would provide the
               The SCOT trial compared the safety   lated complications, whereas no patient   same results but with fewer side effects?
             and benefit of two different immunomod-  in the Cytoxan group died from the   This treatment is clearly not recom-
             ulatory treatments in patients with early   treatment.                mended for all scleroderma patients. Many
             and severe scleroderma. Patients recruited                            patients show a good response to current
             from 26 clinical research sites in North   COMPLICATIONS OF THE       medical therapies, or show little progres-
             America were randomized to either high-  TREATMENT:                   sion of their disease over time. Therefore,
             dose chemotherapy followed by hemato-  There was a concern that infections   it will be important to develop and
             poietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) or 12   might be more frequent in one group   validate guidelines for identifying those
             monthly IV cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)   versus the other but this was not the case.   patients who are at high risk for disease
             treatments. The stem cells came from the   Infections as complications of treatment   progression or who have been shown to
             patients themselves, not from donors.  were seen equally in both groups, but   be non-responsive to current treatments.
               It is important to point out that the   varicella zoster (shingles) infections were   In addition, we recommend that patients
             treatment procedure in the stem cell   more common in the transplant group.  for whom stem cell transplantation is
             transplant group was composed of two                                  considered a reasonable treatment option
             parts: first the patients received high-  CONCLUSIONS:                be referred for the procedure to expert
             dose chemotherapy with irradiation to   These results are broadly consistent   centers where appropriate evaluative
             effectively destroy the patient’s abnormal   with favorable outcomes reported from   protocols, multi-speciality care - including
             immune system, and second, the stem   two previous trials in Europe and the US,   scleroderma experts and physicians with
             cells (removed from the patients prior to   and provide support for the use of au-  substantial experience with the procedure
             chemotherapy) were infused to recon-  tologous stem cell transplant therapy for   and all of its complications - is available.
             stitute the immune system with new or   some severe scleroderma patients with   The cost of stem cell transplant therapy,
             “naive” immune cells that would likely   kidney or lung involvement.  which can be as high as $150,000, will
             not contribute to scleroderma. Thus, the   It is always important to weigh advan-  likely be an impediment, but it is hoped
             therapeutic benefit seen in the stem cell   tages versus disadvantages, that is, benefit   that the results of the SCOT study will
             arm comes from the chemotherapy not   versus risk, in any treatment decision par-  lead insurers/payors to cover such therapy
             from the stem cells themselves.    ticularly one with the potential for serious   in appropriate situations.
                                                infections and (admittedly uncommon)
             RESULTS OF THE TRIAL:              treatment-related deaths.
               Seventy-five scleroderma patients   The patients selected for the study
             were enrolled in the study. Each patient   had to have adequate kidney and lung
             had severe skin disease along with lung   function to be able to tolerate the proce-
             or kidney involvement. 39 patients were
             randomized to treatment with monthly IV
             Cytoxan, and 36 patients were random-
             ized to receive the high-dose chemother-
             apy, irradiation and stem cell transplant.
               At an average of four and a half years
             of follow-up, patients who received the
             chemotherapy, irradiation and stem cell   Authored by John Varga, M.D., Maureen D. Mayes, M.D., Virginia D. Steen, M.D., Richard Silver,
             transplant had a lower death rate from   M.D., and Lorinda Chung, M.D., on behalf of the Scleroderma Foundation’s Medical & Scientific
             scleroderma-related causes than pa-  Advisory Board. Scleroderma Foundation. 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 105, Danvers, MA 01923,
             tients who received the 12 months of IV,, 800-722-4673
             Cytoxan. In the stem cell-treated group,

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