Page 10 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
P. 10
E Coyotes Don’t
Corner Play Nice With
Our Pets
by: Richard Henderson, D.V.M
here are not many days that go by that I don’t hear about a
coyote sighting in the city of Galveston. These “song dogs”,
Tas they were called by Native Americans, have become urban-
ized. Some folks tell me how exciting it is to see one of these beautiful
creatures, others describe the gruesome details about a pet’s death.
There have been estimates that over fifty of these wily canines live on
our island from the East End flats all the way west to San Luis Pass.
Many of these guys have adapted to life in the city finding food and
shelter right under our noses.
Coyotes are members of the dog family, and like our own pets, they
are curious, intelligent and have good memories about where they We must also eliminate places in town where coyotes will set up a
have found meals. In their natural habitat they eat a wide variety of den. Cleaning brush and closing outdoor crawl spaces under decks
foods including rabbits, rodents, fruit and plants. In an urban area, will reduce places where they can find shelter. Without food sources
they will eat pecans and fruit that fall from our trees and return many and hiding spots, they have less reason to trot down our city streets at
times to enjoy the easy pickings. And unfortunately, they will also night.
readily kill our family pets if given the opportunity. They do so either
for food or to eliminate the competition in their territory. What should a person do if they come face to face with a coyote?
According to Josh Henderson, supervisor for the Galveston Police
Since it is very unlikely they will be eliminated from our island any- Department’s Animal Services Unit, we should yell, scream, and wave
time soon, we must protect our pets from harm. In order to discour- our arms. This will make us look larger and more threatening to the
age coyotes from being attracted to city environments, we should keep animal. They have good memories and will remember places where
our property “coyote un-friendly.” First and foremost, don’t leave pet they have felt threatened.
food outdoors. Do not intentionally feed or try to befriend coyotes. If
so, you are encouraging these wild animals to become dependent on It looks like Mr. Wile E Coyote is here to stay on the island. They
humans and therefore not hunt in their natural habitat. are the top predator in our area and it is our job to protect our pets
by changing our own behavior. We need to leash our dogs, keep our
It is time to commit to making our pet cats indoor animals. Add coy- cats indoors and make sure the coyotes have no food sources in our
otes to the long list of outdoor dangers that lead to cat deaths along neighborhoods. By making these adjustments, the “song dog” will be
with cars, stray dogs, diseases and cruel people. I know many Galves- happier out in the marshes instead of our own yards.
tonians who have recently lost a beloved cat to coyotes; a preventable
death. Indoor cats live on average four to five years longer than their
outdoor counterparts and living life as an indoor cat saves the lives of
many small birds that fall prey to our own kitties.
Richard D. Henderson, DVM
To keep our dogs safe from coyotes, always keep your pooch on a Galveston Veterinary Clinic
leash during walks. A dog may chase a coyote into the underbrush and 2108 61st Street
be injured badly or killed when the coyote turns to fight. Galveston, TX 77551
10 | Waves Magazine | February 2019 Issue