Page 8 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
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B B U R K E ’S B R I E F S
Happy Mardi Gras!
SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERY- for a real treat this month. Tom Valliere figure out. Jan & Dean have a "Should I
ONE FOR VOTING WAVES MAG- and Charlie Bresenham have two Restau- Tell" dilemma to solve. The Beach Bum
AZINE THE FIRST PLACE GOLD rant Reviews that you will want to be sure has some all time favorite iconic record
WINNER FOR BEST ISLAND and check out. Billy Powell has another album covers that are really cool. Pet
PRINT PUBLICATION. OUR mouth watering recipe this month. Billy Peeves will get you fired up again. The
READERS ARE THE BEST! is a national award winning cook and we Waves Fantasy Football Guru lists his
are very fortunate to have him on our favorite Hollywood football movies.
February is always a great month to be in Waves team. Be sure and go visit Billy
Galveston. Mardi Gras is upon us and we and Barbara at their awesome store Wild Paul Hager returns with his Curtain Go-
have some terrific Mardi Gras informa- Bills in LaMarque. The ever popular Miss ing Up! column. No one is in touch with
tion, pictures, and articles for everyone Bunny is back with another easy to make the local theatre scene like Paul is. Always
that will be attending the festivities. but oh so tasty recipe. Be sure and check very entertaining.
Please give a special Waves welcome to out and sign up for the Cooking Classes
Christy Monroe. Christy will be report- at The Kitchen Chick. A chance to learn Please enjoy our Live Music section and
ing on all of the Galveston downtown firsthand from the very beast. get out and support the venues that
happenings each month in her Waves feature great live bands. Let's all keep live
exclusive column Downtown Currents. Check out the Waves Comedy Corner. music flourishing in Galveston.
Noted cartoonist and master fiddler Bob
Our Waves Fishing Section is back and Rohan is here again with his very popular JOIN US WEDNESDAY,
better than ever. Expert fisherman Pat- Buffalo Gals comic strip. FEBRUARY 13TH AT SHARKY'S
rick Lemire has some fantastic informa- TAVERN FOR OUR
tion for you this month. Max Conner is Prominent Galveston veterinarian Dr. MONTHLY WAVES MAGAZINE
also here sharing his fishing expertise. Richard Henderson is here with his won- SOCIAL PARTY. IT WILL RUN
When you are ready to purchase your derful Pet Corner Column. His article FROM 7 TO 10 PM. GREAT LIVE
gear to go catch that "big one" be sure regarding Galveston Coyotes this month MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE
and go see Chris Gonzales at his beauti- is a must read. ISLAND AWARD WINNING BAND
ful store Serious Tackle. STRANDED. AWESOME DOOR
All of your Waves regular columns that PRIZES, TERRIFIC PIZZA, AND A
One of our most popular sections each you like so much are back with us this GREAT SELECTION OF DRINKS.
month is our food, restaurant, and cook- month. Our Trivia Page has some Presi-
ing recipe columns. You foodies are in dents Day trivia and questions for you to SEE Y O U THERE!
8 | Waves Magazine | February 2019 Issue