Page 34 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
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Waves Band Of The Month
Zach Tate Band set mah (Feb 6, 20, 22), The Hitchcock “Deception, corrupted power fig-
to release new CD on Post in Hitchcock (Feb 16) an Barge ures, death and broken hearts are
295 in Seabrook (Feb 17). Sharky’s
strong components in most people’s
KPFT 90.1 FM Feb 1st, Galveston (Mar 1). Digital distribution lives in some capacity - politically,
will available through iTunes and Spoti-
religiously and socially. These ideas
2019 fy beginning February 1st. have always entered my songwriting,
especially when talking about love
he sixth CD from
Houston’s Zach Tate
Band, Angels & Out-
laws - another rock,
blues, country infused
journey across American landscapes of
rebellion, deception, love, romance and
loss, will be released in a live broadcast
radio premiere on KPFT 90.1 FM in
Houston (89.5 in Galveston) on Fri-
day, February 1st at 11am (
The band will be in the KPFT stu- Angels & Outlaws began recording in – a place where everyone has felt
dios with 3-time Texas Music DJ of 2016 at Wire Road Studios in Houston inspired and betrayed at the same
The Year winner, Roark Smith on his with Grammy-nominated engineer, time,” Tate said.
critically acclaimed music show, “Wide Andy Bradley. 26 songs were on the
Open Spaces” playing selected tracks table at the beginning of the sessions. While some lyrics on Angels and Out-
and talking about the album. From the laws are quite literal in meaning, there
haunting and heavy opening rock ballad “In the end ‘the table’ becomes an are plenty of metaphors. When asked to
Outlaw, inspired by the 2015 Twin emotionally violent chopping block,” explain their deeper meanings Tate de-
Peaks shooting in Waco, Texas to the Tate said. fers to a line by Chilean poet Pablo Ner-
album’s final song Angel, about losing uda, as depicted in the 1994 Italian film
a loved one, Angels & Outlaws growls, Two years later, eleven original and Il Postino, “When you explain poetry
grins, dances and delights through its 13 two cover songs, were selected for the (or music) it becomes banal. Better than
songs. album. Tate had never recorded a cover any explanation is the direct experience
song until Angels & Outlaws and said of emotions that poetry can reveal to
Physical copies of Angels & Outlaws the two songs chosen, Reverend Jack a soul predisposed to comprehend it.”
will be available on CD at all of the & His Roamin’ Cadillac Church by the Tate added, “Some things are just better
band’s shows throughout the month 1980’s husband and wife duo, Timbuk said in a song, without further explana-
of February and beyond including 3 (The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear tion.”
LaPorte’s Chantilly Room (Feb 2), Shades) and Fiddler’s Green by legend-
Baker St Pubs in Katy, Sugar Land, ary Canadian band, The Tragically Hip, For more information about
Houston and The Woodlands (Feb are deeply significant to him personally shows, CDs and more visit:
7, 13, 15, 28), Marina Bar & Grill in and fit the theme of his own writing
Galveston (Feb 9), Crazy Alans’s over the last few years.
Swampshack and Monkey Bar in Ke-
34 | Waves Magazine | February 2019 Issue