Page 66 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
P. 66

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                                                                                    Page 16

                                        Presidents Day Edition
                                        Presidents Day Edition
                                        Presidents Day Edition

                                   Can Y
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                                   Can You Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?ou Name T hes e Pr es ident s?
                                   Can Y

       In which state was Abraham Lincoln    How many stars did the United States   Which President died on the Fourth of
       born?                                 flag have when George Washington be-  July?
       A – Virginia                          came President?                       A - Grover Cleveland
       B – Kentucky                          A – 12                                B – John Quincy Adams
       C – Pennsylvania                      B – 13                                C - Millard Fillmore
       D – Connecticut                       C – 14                                D - John Adams
                                             D – 15
       What was Abraham Lincoln’s mother’s                                         Which President was also a popular mov-
       name?                                 Which President is associated with the   ie actor?
       A – Mary Todd Lincoln                 term ‘O. K.’?                         A – John F. Kennedy
       B – Mary Hanks Lincoln                A - William Henry Harrison            B - Herbert Hoover
       C – Nancy Hanks Lincoln               B - John Tyler                        C - Dwight D. Eisenhower
       D – Nancy Todd Lincoln                C - Ulysses S. Grant                  D – Ronald Reagan
                                             D - Martin Van Buren
       Which President is also known as the                                        Who issued the Emancipation Proclama-
       ‘Father of the Constitution’?         Who was the only President to serve   tion?
       A – Thomas Jefferson                  more than 2 terms?                    A – George Washington
       B – Abraham Lincoln                   A - Franklin D. Roosevelt             B – Abraham Lincoln
       C – James Madison                     B - Herbert Hoover                    C - Andrew Jackson
       D – George Washington                 C - George W. Bush                    D - Dwight D. Eisenhower
                                             D – Bill Clinton

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