Page 69 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
P. 69
C with stickers supporting fellow brewers from Alaska to Texas and every stop in between.
elebrating a successful and prosperous inaugural year, Devil and the Deep Brewery has welcomed
beer aficionados and novice drinkers from near and far during their first year in business. The ice
house style door, leading to their tap counter area, is a monument to breweries across the country,
February 2nd marks the first year of 1-Year Anniversary Party
brewing and serving at 2425 Post Office
Street. To mark the date February 2nd, 2019
and celebrate with their Noon – Midnight
customers, Daniel Tor-
res and Eric Walker will Tours of the brew room will be available
unveil 13 beers which is at 2pm and 4pm during the February 2nd
the largest selection to party. Devil and the Deep t-shirts, growlers,
date for their brewery. stickers, buttons and other merchandise
The new selections will be for sale, also. Following the celebra-
will make their debut tion, the next day is “the big game” which
during their anniver- can be viewed on the 100 inch projection
sary party that day. screen that will be situated in the beer
Imperial IPAs to hall. Plenty of seating is available, with a
Belgium sours will covered patio, games throughout and ac-
be on tap. cessible owners who are passionate about
brewing and serving the best beer. The
“We had always party will be noon to midnight on
planned to do a line February 2nd.
of sours and we will continue to release
more now,” said Eric and Daniel. During
Join Us! the celebration, food from local establish-
ments MOD Coffeehouse, Gypsy Joynt,
February 2nd Eat Cetera and others will be served. “We
Noon - want to support other local business while Devil And The Deep
celebrating our first year,” said Eric, “Gyp-
2425 Post Office Street
Midnight sy Joynt is even doing our birthday cake Galveston, Texas 77550
for the brewery.” Ph: (409) 220-3313\devilandthedeepbrew
Waves Magazine | February 2019 Issue | 69