Page 46 - Let's Make Waves - October 2018
P. 46
Did You Know?
G a l v e s t o n H i s t o r y
Mitchell Historic Propertiessss
The late, George sad fate for once stunning examples of sulted in the purchase and restoration of
Mitchell and his Victorian architecture. The Mitchells rec- more buildings, which thankfully encour-
wife Cynthia ognized the fact that the people who lived aged others to participate in a very suc-
Mitchell, were and worked downtown were unable to do
always strong ad- the needed restorations on their own. In cessful restoration of the Strand area into
vocates of historic their opinion Galveston had the best Vic- the historic landmark district that it is to-
preservation and torian architecture in the Southwest and it day.
served as leaders deserved to be protected.
in the transfor-
mation of Galves- On a 1972 visit to Savannah, Mitchell
ton’s once de- learned about an innovative preservation
crepit and ne- program that had been established which
glected downtown area into the nationally included a revolving fund for buying and
glected downtown area into the nationally
acclaimed Strand National Historic Land-
acclaimed Strand National Historic Land- reselling endangered properties. After see-
mark District. The Mitchells own approxi- ing the merits of this program, Mitchell
mark District. The Mitchells own approxi-
mately fourteen buildings in the historic
mately fourteen buildings in the historic quickly dispatched six members of the
district, the Pier 21 complex on the har-
district, the Pier 21 complex on the har- Galveston Historical Foundation to study
bor, as well as, the famed Hotel Galvez on
bor, as well as, the famed Hotel Galvez on Savannah’s achievements and adapt them
Seawall Boulevard, The Tremont House to Texas. Contributions from local foun-
Seawall Boulevard, The Tremont House
in the downtown area, and Harbor House dations helped establish a revolving fund
in the downtown area, and Harbor House
Hotel & Marina located at Pier 21.
Hotel & Marina located at Pier 21. for Galveston that to date has saved over
30 buildings.
As native of Galveston, George Mitchell Heidenheimer Marine
As native of Galveston, George Mitchell
often brought his family to the Island. He Mitchell also helped recruit Peter Brink,
recalls that every time they passed the now with the National Trust, to lead the Building
downtown area, his wife, Cynthia, would Galveston Historical Foundation and The This building was erected in 1875 for
say, “Someone should really do something Strand revitalization. It was Brink who Samson Heidenheimer to house the
about preserving those beautiful buildings. wholesale grocery firm of Heidenheimer
It would be such a shame to see them torn persuaded Cynthia and George Mitchell to Bros. It is a two-story stucco building in
down.” purchase the 1871 Thomas Jefferson the Gothic style with details imitating
League Building on the Strand and con- stonework. It now serves as an office
Mitchell saw some of the buildings fall to vert it into shops, offices and a fashiona- building with Executive Suites on the sec-
the wrecking ball and considered it to be a ond floor.
ble restaurant. This led to a plan that re-
46 | Waves Magazine | October 2018 Issue