Page 10 - Waves June
P. 10
E Dining With
Corner by: Richard Henderson, D.V.M
The Dog
ood news for dog owners visiting
Galveston! In April, our city coun-
cil approved an ordinance allowing
restaurants to provide outdoor dining
areas that will allow well-behaved
G pups. The restaurants are not required
to allow dogs but instead it is up to the establishment
and it comes with a number of important rules.
The pet owners must keep their dogs leashed and con-
trolled at all times. Disruptive behavior cannot be toler-
ated. Noisy or aggressive behavior will result in an escort
to the exit for the offender; this escort may also apply to
any ill-behaved humans! No feeding will be allowed at
the table. And please do not fling that filet to Fido. Water
will be provided by the eatery’s staff for pets that need a
cool drink.
Pet parents are also responsible for cleaning up any potty
accidents; the establishment will have sanitation supplies interior of restaurant. Employees of the eatery may not
at the ready. To reduce the chances of an embarrass- touch or handle your dog in accordance with health
ing accidental release while dining, take your dog for a department policy. They can, however, tell you how cute
walk before arriving for your meal. Plan the timing of and well behaved your pup is.
your visit in consideration of the outdoor temperatures.
Certain times of the day may be too warm for your dog’s We hope in the near future there will be a list of
comfort outdoors. At no time should you consider leav- pet-friendly eateries available in Galveston. Waves will
ing a pet in the car while you are eating. Cars can become then be able to provide this information in our magazine
death traps in the summer, even in the shade with the to help pet owners make their dining choices.
windows cracked. Galveston’s animal control and police
officers are quick to break the car’s window if a citizen Dining with your dog can be enjoyable for pet and
reports an animal in a locked car. If your dog does not person. This ordinance is long overdue and lets visitors
do well in crowds, in unfamiliar places or tolerate heat know we are a pet-friendly, laid-back island. Good dogs
well, you should not subject him to this stress. It would and big appetites welcome!
be best to leave him home or in the hotel room.
The ordinance also has rules that must be followed by
the eating establishment. Signs must be posted desig-
nating the area as dog friendly and it must have its own Richard D. Henderson, DVM
outdoor entrance. Food may not be prepared in this out- Galveston Veterinary Clinic
door area. Except for registered service animals, dogs are 2108 61st Street
not permitted inside the restaurant for any reason. The Galveston, TX 77551
service animal exemption does not apply to emotional 409.356.9000
support pets. They may be excluded from entering the
10 | Waves Magazine | June 2019 Issue