Page 8 - Waves June
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B                      U R K E ’S   B R I E F S

                                                                  J u n e   2 0 1 9

                  Hello Wavers                highly popular Tom Valliere and Charlie   support live music and the venues that fea-
                                              Bresenham are here with their Restau-  ture it. Keep live music alive and flourishing
            une has arrived and with it comes some   rant Reviews. The terrific Kitchen Chick   in Galveston.
         Jreally fun and entertaining things to do   has some new cooking classes for children.
         here on our beautiful island. As you know,   Check out her schedule and sign up.  Waves Magazine has certainly come a long
         Waves is an ENTERTAINMENT pub-                                           way in a very short period of time. Thanks
         lication. No one covers the fun things to   Christy Monroe is here with her won-  again to you, our readers, for voting Waves
         see and do in Galveston like your friends at   derful Downtown Currents column. John   Magazine the Best Print Publication in Gal-
         Waves Magazine.                      and Kathy Valastro are back with their   veston. We work hard each month to bring
                                              inspiring Reflections column.       you the kind of entertaining publication
         We had a really terrific surprise a couple of                            that you want to read over and over again.
         weeks ago. Your Waves gang took a cruise   Our lazy Beach Bum and relationship
         on the beautiful Royal Caribbean Enchant-  experts Jan & Dean have some really good   JOIN THE FUN WITH US WED.
         ment of the Seas cruise ship from the Port   stuff for you. Be sure and check out Pet   JUNE 12TH AT SHARKY’S TAVERN
         of Galveston. While on board, we noticed   Peeves. Guaranteed to grind your gears.   FOR OUR MONTHLY WAVES
         something truly amazing. The Captain of    The Waves Trivia Challenge will certainly   SOCIAL FROM 7 TO 10 PM. LIVE
         the Enchantment, Captain Tini        test your knowledge again this month  MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE ISLAND
         Tomljanovic, was in a lounge area and lo                                      AWARD WINNING BAND
         and behold he was reading Waves Maga-  Be sure and reserve your spot for Kimber   STRANDED. AWESOME DOOR
         zine!                                Fountain’s Red Light District Tour. It’s   PRIZES, PIZZA, AND A WIDE
                                              been getting rave reviews.             SELECTION OF BEVERAGES.
         We politely approached Captain Toni                                               SEE YOU THERE!
         and introduced ourselves. What a terrific   Fishing is heating up on our island. Don’t
         gentleman he is. He even gladly posed for a   miss our awesome Fishing Section featuring
         picture with us displaying Waves Magazine.   expert fishermen Patrick Lemire, Max
         That was quite a thrill. Waves Entertain-  Conner, and Chris Gonzalez. Book one
         ment Magazine is truly everywhere.   of our Waves approved Guide Services and
                                              land that “big one.”
         All of your favorites are here again for June.
         Dr. Richard Henderson’s Pet Corner   Paul Hager has provided us with a great
         and Chris Bergeron’s Cajun Corner    list of all of the area theatre productions.
         are both terrific reads. Our wonderful   No one knows the local theatre scene like
         foodies, Wild Bill and Miss Bunny have   Paul. Also, lots of terrific live music will be
         some very tasty recipes for you. The   played on the island in June. Get out and

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