Page 48 - Waves June
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D O W N T O W N C U R R E N T S | B Y C H R I S T Y M O N R O E
Local Shops
Land and Sea Fun on the Island
Written by Christy Monroe
usinesses continue to thrive in the been met with successful numbers in sales people about 10 seconds to feel comfort-
Bhistorical Strand District, but the doors and rentals since opening his shop approx- able on these scooters,” says Ryan. After
also keep opening to new and unusual finds, imately 2 months ago. Ryan says, “I wanted researching safety and pedestrian accidents,
as well. Sightseers have a route for meeting to bring value to tourists and especially Ryan had a feature added to his scooters
and viewing each of the artistically created locals with a lifestyle brand that adds that that allows the rider to set their speed at 9
turtles in the “Turtles About Town” project value to their lives.” miles per hour maximum which is the rec-
and the map for finding and viewing the Crab Scooters are Xiaomi brand electric ommended setting for cruising near traffic
remarkably carved trees that were created scooters that can be rented or purchased areas with up to 35 mph vehicular speed
after Hurricane Ike stripped one-hundred- through the shop at 714 25th Street. Crab limits.
year-old plus Oaks throughout town. Along Scooters in Galveston is the only North
with those treasure hunts, the boundar- American retailer for the Xiaomi brand that For purchase, customers can get a fold up
ies that surround the downtown area are also offers parts and service within the same version of the Crab scooter for $600 or
increasingly stretching outward. Broadway shop. The brand has acquired awards and an upgraded version with a 28-mile charge
to Harborside, the teen numbered streets to recognition for being one of the top electric for $750. Crab scooters offers residents of
30th and beyond is becoming quite a walk scooters in 2018 and 2019. Xiaomi has a tar- Galveston Island a monthly membership
for some and unveiling alternative modes of get audience of adults needing an alternative for only $30 that allows the rider to pick
transportation and unexpected shops. mode of transportation that is green and up a scooter, during business hours, any
affordable. These are the exact reasons Ryan time they’d like. There are no contracts and
Crabs Aren’t Just on the Beach decided to bring the product to Galveston the monthly membership can be cancelled
Island. The downtown location of the shop at any time. Rental fees for daily use are
is steps away from free parking and only a Monday – Thursday $20 per day, Friday-
short scooter ride from all the most popular Sunday $30 per day. Hourly rentals at $15
downtown destinations and a short distance for the first hour and $10 each additional
from a cruise down Seawall. hour. Open October – March, 10 am-6pm
and April-September, 10am-7pm, customers
With 18 miles to a charge, customers can get just need a driver’s license showing they are
a full days-worth of riding, easily. Safety is 18 years or older and they are set to cruise
top priority for Ryan and every rental comes the island.
with the necessary safety gear and a quick Crab Scooters
but thorough lesson on how to maintain the 714 25th St. | Galveston, Texas 77550
correct speeds in high traffic areas and be (409) 443-5277
Ryan O’Neal, owner of Crab Scooters, has safe in any situation. “It literally takes most
48 | Waves Magazine | June 2019 Issue