Page 34 - Waves March 2019
P. 34


                                         Wa v e s   B a n d   O f   T h e   M o n t h

        N N
        N e c e s s i t ye c e s s i t ye c e s s i t y

                          G a l v e s t o n T e x a s

                   are Necessity plays for the
                   people. Fusing massive rock
                   n’ roll melodies with fiery
        Bhip hop beats, the Bay Area
        band conjures an infectious, incendiary
        sound. Embracing elements of Rock,
        Funk, Rap, Country and Soul, these 5
        individuals have created something you
        haven’t heard before.

                    M e m b e r s
        •   Addy John - Lead Vocals
        •   Brad Mckechnie - Lead Guitar
        •   Jim Folzman - Drums/Vocals       plays the Houston Rodeo
        •   Fred Morecraft - Bass            committee gala’s. While the band
        •   Brian Flannery - Lights/ Sound   loves to play the large events, smaller venues
                                             allows the band an intimacy with the audience that can be
        With three part harmonies and intri-  lost in the larger settings, driving them to continue to perform at local bars,
        cate musical arrangements, the band is   pubs, and watering holes in the Houston and Galveston areas.
        always working on new material.

        Their high energy live performances
        include songs from multiple genres and
        decades, without the band losing their
        own identity in the process. The band
        prides itself on being an “original cover
        band!” Creating their own arrange-
        ments of popular music gives the band
        flexibility to mix and match songs as
        they choose, making each performance
        unique and different from one venue to
        the next.
                                                                                S C H E D U L EC H E D U L EC H E D U L E
                                                                                S S
        Bare Necessity plays events, both
        public and private, large and small. Bare   03/01 | Bubba’s on the Strand | 9 PM  05/18  | Nick’s Redfish Pool Bar | 6 PM
        Necessity was selected as the Budweiser   03/02 | Mardi Gras Main Stage |6 PM  06/29  | Bubba’s on the Strand  | 9 PM
        Plaza House Band for the Houston     03/02 | Bubba’s on the Strand | 9 PM  07/13  | Nick’s Redfish Pool Bar | 6 PM
        Texans organization in 2007, featured   03/09 | Sangerfest Park | 6 PM     08/10  | Nick’s Redfish Pool Bar | 6 PM
        in the Galveston County Daily News
        publication “After Hours” in 2010, and
        regularly plays balls and parties and                   B o o k i n g   I n f o r m a t i o n
        on Budweiser Stage for Mardi Gras in                      Becky Morecraft (409) 682-0716
        Galveston, Texas. Bare Necessity even          BareNecessityBand

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