Page 39 - Waves March 2019
P. 39

B o n f i r e              F r i d a y   &   S a t u r d a y

                                                                                                   E v e n i n g s
                                                                       B a s h                   Ask about reserving our

                                                                                               bonfire on the beach for your
                                                                                                      next event!

         F                                                        Friday - 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm  LIVEMUSIC
         Full Bar featuring Kenny Chesney’s Blue Chair ull Bar featuring Kenny Chesney’s Blue Chair
                             Bay Rum.                             Saturday 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm       Schedule
                                                                        (weather permitting)
                           Try a High                                                           March 8th: Randy Haines
                            Tide or a                                                          March 9th:The Band Stranded

                                                                                                  March 15th: Samy Jo
                          Beach Chair!                                                          March 16th: Salty Sounds

        Burgers, Sandwiches, Pizza, Seafood                                                    March 22nd: Wayne Johnson
                                                                                              March 23rd: The Band Stranded
                                                                                               March 29th: Rodney Haines
                                                                                                March 30th: Salty Sounds
                                                                                                 April 5th: Louis Morales
                                                                                                   April 6th: Samy Jo
                                                                                                April 12th: Lyda Plummer
                                                                                                  April 13th: Flashback
                                                                                                  April 19th: Samy Jo
                                                                                                April 20th: Welcome Home
                                                                                                April 26th: Lyda Plummer
          Chair & Umbrella                                                                       April 27th: Mickey Hobbs
       Rental,Paddle Boards,

        Boogie Boards, Skim
          Boards, Bocceball
                                                                                            F R E E   P a r k i n g

              Pet                                                                                11745 FM 3005
           Friendly                                                                          Galveston, Texas 77554
                                                                                               Ph: (409) 996-4765
                                         G a m i n g
                                                                                             Located Directly On ocated Directly On ocated Directly On
                                   Bean Bag Toss | Horse                                     L L
                                                                                                   The Beachhe Beachhe Beach
                                    Shoes | Giant Jenga |                                          T T
                                    Giant Dice | Bocceball
                                                                               Waves Magazine  |  March  2019 Issue  |  39
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