Page 43 - Waves March 2019
P. 43

Sardines have their plus points when   down—a twitch, pull, fall motion
                                             being fished, such as a lot of  silver   will show you something of  what
                                             flash and a relatively soft body mass   your hoped-for target, red snap-
                                             that somewhat aids in hookups. Their  per or whatever, will see. You’ll be
                                             shortcoming is when they thaw and     impressed too, it’s an edge that could
                                             come up to the air temperature of  a   turn a “looker” into a “biter”; give it
                                             summer day offshore. At that point,   a try, it works for me and it will-work
                                             they are very mushy and hard to keep  for you...l almost guarantee it!
                                             on a hook. Frozen ones should be
                                             thawed in a shaded area; don’t has-
                                             ten their thaw by spraying them with
                                             water. This thaws them unevenly and
                                             washes out some of  their scent. I
                                             usually take a 5 lb. Box and put it in
       rod tip pointed directly at my line’s   a 2-gallon Ziploc bag; sardines only -
       entry point into the water. When us-  no box or plastic liner bag. I take this
       ing a circle hook, at the bite I let the   bag of  frozen sardines, bang it on the
       line come tight, then load the rod;   deck gently (yes, you can do that),
       most likely the “C” hook is set, and   and this separates the sardines from
       the tug-a-war is on. When a “J” type   each other. I let them thaw somewhat
       hook is used, a harder, faster sweep   in a shaded corner and ice them as
       of  the rod tip may be necessary to set  needed to keep their firmness to a
       the hook. Remember, try to aggres-    fish-able level.
       sively set a circle hook and you will
       most likely just reel in a “ghost” of  a   Squid on the chin of  your baitfish
       fish.                                 may be the difference a picky pred-
                                             ator is looking for; don’t forget that
       The baitfish and squid head will      a critical element is the squid eyes
       “mask” the gap between the shank      placement. Even if  hooked through            Patrick
       and point somewhat on a circle hook,  the eyes instead of  between them, the
       but the soft squid head readily com-  tentacles and the scent will do their
       presses at the strike. I haven’t had a   job...right is better, go between the       Lemire
       problem hooking up when using it      eyes with your hook.
       on a red snapper, kingfish, ling and
       dolphin, etc., over the years.        Give this combination a look in
                                             the water at boat side, about 2 ft.

                                                                               Waves Magazine  |  March  2019 Issue  |  43
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