Page 37 - Waves March 2019
P. 37

                          Entertainment Schedule

                                        MARCH 2019

           Sunday          Monday          Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday          Friday         Saturday
                                                                                                      1               2
                                                                                        Zach Tate       Nigel Edison
                                                                                        9-1             9-1

                     3               4               5               6                7               8               9
       Open Jam w/                      Open Jam w/     David           Denny Norris    Kerry Williams   Mister Kicks
       Zak Perry                        Zak Perry       Richardson      Jam Night       & Clayton       9-1
       8pm -12am                        8pm -12am       8-12            8-12            Adams - 9-1

                    10              11              12               13              14              15              16
       Open Jam w/                      Open Jam w/     Waves Social    Denny Norris    Cool Under Fire  The Band
       Zak Perry                        Zak Perry       Event - Stranded Jam Night      9-1             Stranded
       8pm -12am                        8pm -12am       7-10            8-12                            9-1

                    17              18              19              20               21              22              23
       Open Jam w/                      Open Jam w/     Tone Salinas    Denny Norris    Nite Wave       The Relics
       Zak Perry                        Zak Perry       8-12            Jam Night       9-1             9-1
       8pm -12am                        8pm -12am                       8-12

                    24              25              26               27              28              29              30
       Open Jam w/                      Open Jam w/                     Denny Norris    The Brush       Zach Tate
       Zak Perry                        Zak Perry                       Jam Night       Poppers         9-1
       8pm -12am                        8pm -12am                       8-12            9-1

            Zach Tate                Clayton Adams-              Cool Under Fire                  Nite Wave
              Mar. 1st                    Mar. 8th                    Mar. 15th                    Mar. 22nd

                9pm                          9pm                          9pm                          9pm

                          The Relics                                             Mar. 13th & 16th - 9pm
                           Mar. 23rd


                                             CALL AHEAD TO VERIFY TIMES

                                                                               Waves Magazine  |  March  2019 Issue  |  37
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