Page 63 - Waves March 2019
P. 63

and down-right fun that it could barely be contained in            LISTING MARCH
         their intimate venue. Achieving a true ensemble working        ON THE BOARDS [Currently playing]
         in such close harmony is a tribute to not only director
         H. Russ Brown but to his theatre program at College of         ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company]
         the Mainland as well – every cast member is currently a                  SOMETHING’S AFOOT
         theatre major there.                                    Book, Music, and Lyrics by James McDonald, David Vos, and Robert Ger-
                                                                           lach, with additional music by Ed Linderman
         Musical Director Ben Childress took full advantage of                     Mar. 15-Apr. 13, 2019
         the show’s simple vocals and accompaniment, achieving
         full audibility of the singers – the lack of which is a pit-              COM THEATRE
         fall that can plague an un-miked performance with a live                  BORN YESTERDAY
         band while the unpretentious yet exuberantly lively cho-                    by Garson Kanin
         reography by Elizabeth Bear Brown had me laughing out                      Mar. 28-Apr. 4, 2019
         loud many times. Amanda Bezemek’s spot-on costumes
         [where did she get those over-sized shoes that made the           THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE
         young cast look even more diminutive?] really ‘popped’             CELTIC NIGHTS:  OCEANS OF HOPE
         on Curt Meyer’s set which included the locations familiar                 Saturday, Mar. 9, 2019
         to those of us who remember Shultz’s original cartoons     THE ROB LANDIS TRIO REVISITS THE MUSIC OF WWII
        – Lucy’s “Doctor is IN” office, Charlie’s ‘thinking’ wall,                 Sunday, Mar. 24, 2019
         Snoopy’s doghouse, the ‘kite eating’ tree -  and larger-
         than-life renditions of the comic strip characters hung        CLEAR CREEK COMMUNITY THEATRE
         on the theatre’s back walls.  One last production aspect I                GOD OF CARNAGE
         just must mention:  If you are a regular theatre-goer, you                  By Yasmina Reza
         know well the ‘curtain speech” – usually given by voice-                    Feb 22-March 10
         over in the blackout before the show opens – that thanks
         you for coming, reminds you to remain seated, turn off            BAY AREA HARBOR PLAYHOUSE
         your cell phone, etc.  For this show, it was done entire-                 THE RAINMAKER
         ly in Charlie Brown’s Teacher’s “Wah-Wah-Wah-Wah”                          By N. Richard Nash
        voice!  This completely cracked me up and so set the                      March 8 – March 31, 2019
         tone for the performance.  [NOTE:  If you don’t know
         what I’m talking about, Google “Charlie Brown’s Teach-       FRANCA’S DINNER THEATRE [NEW Listing]
         er” for a YouTube video]                                                  SUITE SURRENDER
                                                                                   By Michael McKeever
        If you missed this one this time, take advantage of                       March 1- March 9, 2019
         seeing it if the opportunity presents itself again as it is
         a rarity for a Broadway musical – one that can be en-             IN THE WINGS [Opening Soon]
         joyed on a variety of levels by multiple generations; in
         other words, the whole family.  And it is a perfect way to        THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE
         introduce young children to appreciate the magic of live                    PINK MARTINI
         theatre.                                                                  Apr 12, 2019 8:00PM
                                                                           GALVESTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
                                                                                   Apr 21, 2019 4:00PM
                                                                              MONTY PYTHON’S SPAMALOT
                                                                               Apr 27, 2019 3:00PM and 8:00Pm
                                                                           BAY AREA HARBOR PLAYHOUSE
                                                                           THE ODD COUPLE [FEMALE VERSION]
                                                                                      By Neil Simon
                                                                                   Apr 26 – May 12, 2019

                                                                        CLEAR CREEK COMMUNITY THEATRE
                                                                                   LEADING LADIES
                                                                                     By Ken Ludwig
                                                                                     Apr 5 – 21, 2019

                                                                               PURPLE BOX THEATRE
                                                                                   NEXT TO NORMAL
                                                                       Book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt.
                                                                                     Apr 5 – 14, 2019

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