Page 62 - Waves March 2019
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The off-Broadway cast recording, originally released on
MGM Records, was later remastered by Decca Broad-
way/Universal Classics and re-released on September 31,
A Broadway production opened at the John Golden The-
atre on June 1, 1971, and closed on June 27, 1971, after
32 performances and 15 previews. In addition to the
Broadway production, the success of the off-Broadway
by: Paul Hager production spawned nine United States touring compa-
nies and a 1970 U.S. tour lasted 202 performances on the
THEA road. Since its premier, it has been a popular choice for
regional, educational and community theatre productions
GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN – and for many good reasons – small cast, simple produc-
Try not to smile!ry not to smile!ry not to smile! tion requirements and a score easy to sing and accom-
pany. A ‘’small miracle’’ was how Walter Kerr, writing in
The New York Times, described the original. ‘’Almost
hat began as a concept album in 1966 and everything works,’’ Kerr went on to say, ‘’because almost
was revived on Broadway as most recently everything is effortless.’’ Or, as one reviewer of the 1999
as 2016, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown Off-Broadway reviewer observed “Watching You’re a
Wis an iconic 1967 musical comedy with Good Man, Charlie Brown is like running into your old
music and lyrics by Clark Gesner, based on the charac- gang. You know, the kids you haven’t seen for years. The
ters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz in his comic last three decades have treated them well. True, they
strip Peanuts. John Gordon was credited with the book haven’t changed much since the late ‘60s. They’re still
of the show, but according to Gesner’s foreword in the obsessed with all the insecurities, doubts, and outright
published script, “John Gordon” is a collective pseud- paranoia that childhood is heir to. But then - tell the
onym that covers Gesner, the cast members, and the pro- truth - underneath it all, aren’t you too?”
duction staff, all of whom worked together to assemble
the script. The show, inspired by the comic
strips of Charles M. Schultz, is a
During the early 1960s, Gesner had begun writing songs series of vignettes, which Gesner
based on Charles Schulz’s Peanuts characters but was un- himself describes as “an average
able to get permission from the United Features Syndi- day in the life of Charlie Brown.”
cate to use the characters in his songs. Eventually Gesner Charlie (Max Bailey) is browbeaten
sent Schulz a demo recording of some of the songs and by the world — not only can he
Gesner soon had permission to properly record them, never seem to get his kite to fly, but
which he did in 1966. he can’t bring his team to victory in
an important baseball game. Even
At the time, Gesner had no plans for a musical based on worse, he doesn’t receive Valen-
this pre-production “concept album”. However, pro- tine’s Day cards from his elementary school friends. But
ducer Arthur Whitelaw, who would later go on to write they’re all too preoccupied with their own lives to notice
another musical based on Peanuts, encouraged Gesner to Charlie’s solitude. His piano-playing friend Schroeder
turn the album into a musical. (Mike Olinger) is struggling to get his friends to recog-
nize the accomplishments of the great composer Bee-
The stage adaptation of the concept album, titled You’re thoven. Lucy (Maggie Bledsoe} is dispensing bad advice
a Good Man, Charlie Brown, went into rehearsal in New from her psychology stand, while trying to steal the
York City on February 10, 1967. Prior to its opening, the prized blanket of her baby brother Linus (Jake Wadkins).
musical had no actual libretto; it was several vignettes Charlie’s sister, Sally (Anna Grygier), is busy coming up
with a musical number for each one. with new philosophies and chasing rabbits. And then
there’s Snoopy the dog (Auben Brown), longing for
On March 7, 1967, the musical premiered off-Broadway supper and dreaming of a life as a fighter pilot. Adding
at Theatre 80 in the East Village. Joseph Hardy directed their own angst while also contributing to Charlie’s are
and choreographer Patricia Birch was billed as “Assis- Peppermint Patty (Jordyn O’Banion), Marcie (Brianna
tant to the Director”. Joe Raposo, later of Sesame Street Gober), Shermy (Gerik Lyssy) and Pig Pen (Issac Lopez).
fame, was billed as “Music Director” and composer of
incidental music for the show. This production of You’re When I saw their first preview performance, COM
A Good Man, Charlie Brown lasted 1,597 performances, Theatre’s cast brought You’re a Good Man, Charlie
closing on February 14, 1971. Brown to life with such contagious energy, enthusiasm
62 | Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue