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this southeastern county of- links the Port of Wilmington to tated by Columbus County Air- wood, and the International Lo-
fers strategic access to the Inter- Charlotte. port’s (CPC) 5,500-foot runway gistics Park of North Carolina in
states 95 and 40 via future In- just south of Whiteville. (Photo Delco. Southeast, Tabor, and
terstate 74 that runs east to west Commercial airline service is below) the International Logistics Park
through the county. The Port available at nearby Wilmington have each met the comprehen-
of Wilmington is less than one (ILM), Fayetteville (FAY), Myr- Four prime county industrial sive standards of North Caroli-
hour east and a web of federal tle Beach (MYR) airports each sites are: the Southeast Regional na’s Certified Sites program and
and state highways allows em- approximately an hour away Park next to Southeastern Com- are fully served with electricity,
ployees to reach their employers with Raleigh-Durham Interna- munity College in Whiteville, water, natural gas, sewer, high-
with ease. tional Airport (RDU) just two the Tabor Industrial Park in Ta- speed internet, and rail.
and a half hours away. Private bor City, the Columbus County
A rail line through the county and corporate aircraft are facili- Cape Fear River Site in Riegel-
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