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Chip Clements (at left), Executive Vice-President at
                                               Forcht Bank and Donnie Grimes (right), Vice President of
                                               Information Services at University of the Cumberlands,
                                               focused on cybersecurity at July’s chamber luncheon.

                  he  chamber’s  monthly  member-
                  ship luncheon and speaker series   SpEakEr SEriES:
                  tackled some weighty topics this
           tpast quarter.
               in  May,  david McFaddin, Vice-Pres-  aHEaD OF THE CURVE
           ident of engagement, regional Steward-
           ship  and Government  relations at  east-
           ern Kentucky  University, discussed how   Addressing ‘the Poverty Cycle’ locally, awareness of cybersecurity
           the  school  has  dealt with  $25  million  in   threats, and changes at eKU discussed at chamber luncheons
           recent budget cuts in a way that still re-
           tains the commitment to its service area.
               eKU’s  board of  regents approved
           the high-profile layoff of around 90 em-
           ployees, eliminated some programs and
           closed facilities to offset the loss in fund-
               At  June’s  luncheon,  Mike  Addison,
           Pastor at New  Hope  Ministries Church
           of God, in Corbin, told his own personal,
           gripping story of poverty and abuse dur-
           ing his youth, and the leap of faith that
           helped him escape and succeed in life. As
           part of his motivational presentation, he
           also encouraged local businesses  to be
           part of the solution to “the Poverty Cycle.”
               July’s  luncheon  focused  on  cyber-
           sercurity in  the  workplace.  Forcht  bank
           executive  Vice-President  Chip  Clements,
           and    donnie  Grimes, Vice President  of                                Mike Addison, Pastor at New Hope Ministries Church
           information Services at University of the                                of God in Corbin, spoke to chamber members in June
                                                                                    about his tumultuous upbringing and escape from
           Cumberlands,  were the  featured  speak-                                 “The Poverty Cycle.” His motivational speech encour-
                                                                                    aged local businesses to “be their best.”
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