Page 49 - Galveston Waves August 2018
P. 49

Galveston Island

                    Meals on Wheels Program

                                2803 53rd Street, Galveston, Texas 77551 • (409) 744-2668
             What is the Galveston Island Meals On Wheels Program?

                                                    Two guiding principles
                                            A major philosophy behind Galveston Island
                                            Meals is a commitment to keep the program
                                            deeply rooted in the Galveston community.
                                            With this in mind, two basic principles guide
                                            its operations.
                                            •   Federal funds are neither used -nor
           $2500 from Classic Auto Chili Cookoff, Maggie    sought -so that the program may remain   Capt. Jim Turner & Andrew Scott Turner
      Benhans,V.P M.O.W.; Howie Bentley, Owner Classic Auto; Ray   independent of funding that can become
              Pinard; Donna Kierney; Tom Hutlon    restrictive. Recipients are asked to pay   Volunteers can include Galveston stu-
                                                what they can towards the cost of the   dents, homemakers, business profession-
              More than Just a Meal             program but are not denied meals if una-  als, or retirees -or groups (civic, social
      Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, Inc. is a   ble to pay.                        and/or church related).
      non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedi-  •   Volunteers from within the community
      cated to delivering hot meals each weekday to   are recruited to deliver meals and commu-  •   Financial support is needed to assist
      qualifying homebound and elderly clients re-  nity gifts are solicited to provide assis-  those who cannot pay the full cost of
      gardless of their ability to pay. The program   tance to help those unable to pay the full   their meals. The majority of meal recipi-
      provides in-home delivery of hot, nutritious   cost of their meals.              ents are unable to pay the full cost of their
      meals by community volunteers to aged and                                        meals. However, no one is denied a meal
      infirm citizens of the City of Galveston. Each   A three-fold purpose            for the lack of funds making outside sup-
      meal is delivered with kind words and a smile.  There are three primary objectives of the Gal-  port critical to the program.
      For many recipients this may be the only con-  veston Island Meals on Wheels Program:    •   Individuals or organizations willing to
      tact they have with someone outside of their                                     adopt a meal.  Individuals and/or organ-
      home on a regular basis. Galveston Island   •   To provide well-balanced nutritious meals   izations willing to adopt one or more cli-
      Meals on Wheels is more than just a meal -it's   to Galveston citizens who, because of age   ents on a monthly or annual basis are
      a vital link for homebound residents.     or infirmity, have difficulty preparing or   encouraged to contact Galveston Island
                                                securing meals on their own.           Meals on Wheels.
                                            •   To provide companionship to those            Days of Operation
                                                served through daily visits by volunteers.
                                                                                   Noontime Meals are prepared daily, Monday
                                            •   To provide citizens interested in working   through Friday, including holidays.
                                                with and ministering to the elderly an
                                                opportunity to work directly with elderly     Program Details
                                                clients. An additional benefit of the Gal-  Individual Cost of Meals -All meals are sold
                                                veston Island Meals on Wheels program   at cost, and costs are kept to a minimum. Re-
                                                is that it enables many senior adults to   cipients are asked to pay what they can, but
                                                remain in their homes longer or return to   only about one-fourth of the recipients can
          Nick de Berardinis, Connie Green, Marian Chick    their homes sooner following discharge   pay the full cost of the meals. Donations and
                                                from the hospital.                 gifts make up the difference in cost. All dona-
            Growth through the years                                               tions are tax-deductable.
      The Galveston Island Meals on Wheels Pro-       Three basic Needs
      gram began in 1974 as a cooperative effort   The needs of the Galveston Island Meals on   Eligibility Requirements- Recipients must
                                                                                   be elderly and or home-bound residents of
      between the Junior League of Galveston   Wheels Program are three-fold:      Galveston. Referrals are welcome and come
      County and Moody House, the Methodist   •   Volunteers are needed to deliver the   from many sources, with the majority coming
      Retirement Communities' facility in Galveston.   meals. The number of meals served is   from discharge planners and social workers of
      In 2009, a decision was made to ensure unin-  limited in part by the number of volun-  local hospitals. To make a referral or obtain
      terrupted meal services to this vulnerable pop-  teers available to deliver to recipients.   more information please contact Galveston
      ulation. At the time it began operations in                                  Island Meals on Wheels at (409) 744-2668.
      1974, the program delivered just 10 meals a
      week. Today Galveston Island Meals on                                        Program Administration- The Galveston
      Wheels, Inc. delivers more than 100 meals                                    Island Meals on Wheels Inc. Board of Direc-
      daily. Since the program started, more than                                  tors are volunteers who reside or work in Gal-
      500,000 meals have been delivered to the el-                                 veston. Board members meet monthly to over-
      derly and homebound citizens in Galveston.                                   see program operations, fund raising and pub-
      More than 28,000 meals will be delivered this                                licity.
      year alone.
                                                         Tori Blackwell & Son
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