Page 43 - Galveston Waves - January 2019
P. 43

baitfish first.   D84Z and D81Z hooks with Stop       According to an email I received, the
                             The arrow       Gap Baitholder TM barb, each in       National Marine Fisheries Services’
                             indicating the   sizes 4/0 to 7/0 as shown in the     Steve Atran states they are legal,
                             direction of  pull  illustration, work well for me and   providing they are a minimum of  10
                             and the number   are my personal favorites. These thin   inches in length. They must also be
       1 is where you tighten the overhand knot.   wire, super strong, sharp penetrators   used whole, and any used as bait must
       This tightening is done after a little slack   also hold like there’s no tomorrow.   be deducted from that person’s allow-
       is allowed in the mono from the hook to   Remember that circle hooks need to   able daily limit 0f  20.
       the tightened knot. The last step is to pull  be in the baitfish with their point and
       the mono in the direction of  the arrow at   part of  the bend exposed, with the   This rigging, “Baitfish-Going Head
       the number 2. This tightens the loop   gap to the shank unobstructed, the   First”, works for many of  our Texas
       around the base of  the baitfish’s tail,   Stop Gap Baitholder TM barb helps   offshore non-toothy species such as
       completing the process. Using these   maintain that positioning. “J” type   amberjack, grouper, ling, red snap-
       steps, you will have a baitfish that   hooks aren’t as critical with gap ob-  per, dolphin, etc. The mono leader
       won’t be curled or curved, helping to   struction. Mustad Ultra-point 10829   and its placement along the length of
       keep it from spinning excessively and   BLN or 10827 BLN in sizes 7/0       the baitfish’s body virtually eliminate
       looking unnatural as it sinks in the   -11/0, depending on the bait size and   its use for species such as wahoo,
       current.                              tackle being used, are some of  the   kingfish or shark, with their dentures
                                             other great hookers and holders I use.  a cutoff  is almost assured. A more se-
       The hook can also be placed in the                                          cure hold of  soft baitfish plus an ef-
       mid-body area of  your baitfish. Make   When fishing this head first rigging,   fective hook placement that increases
       sure that the point and bend are      as your line plays out, have your rod   your hookup success are some of  its
       exposed as in the illustration. This   at about the 10 o’clock position. At   important features.
       hook placement has the predator fish   the pickup of  your bait, drop your
       feeling the hook later in the swallow-  rod tip and point it at the line’s entry   Pay attention to the details, then, with
       ing process, possibly making it too   point into the water. When the line   a little practice you will be surprised
       late for it to spit your baitfish without  comes tight, raise your rod tip to   at how easy it is to hook, loop and
       being hooked. The hook at the head    around the 11 o’clock position and    tie the “Baitfish-Doing Head First”,
       gets the gulpers, swallowers and short  your circle hook should be set. When   and don’t be surprised by how well it
       strikers.                             using a “r’ type hook, that rod raising   works for you.
                                             needs to be part of  a strong hook
       The hook at the mid-body provides a   setting motion.
       good shot at hooking up with those                                                  Patrick
       wary ones that may try to spit the    The legal use of  a vermilion snapper
       bait.                                 for bait, as is shown in the illustra-         Lemire
       The Daiichi Circle Chunk Light        tion, is questioned by some people.

                                                                              Waves Magazine  |  January 2019 Issue  |  43
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