Page 48 - Galveston Waves - January 2019
P. 48
T h e G r a n d O p e n i n g
January 3rd 1895
“Beautiful Women and n Thursday, January 3rd, 1895, the new
Gallant Men Occupied Grand Opera House opened its doors
the Boxes and Prominent Oto public amazement. The Galveston
Daily News boasted the opera house as, “the
Places in the Theater” – grandest temple to Thespis in the broad confines
The News, January 4th, of Texas or the Southwest”.
1865. A sixteen-piece orchestra played in the pit and
------------------------------ the standing room only audience saw the pre-
“The most important dra- miere performance of “The Daughters of Eve,”
starring Marie Wainwright. Miss Wainwright
matic event in the history was the daughter of Jonathan M. Wainwright,
of this city took place last Commander of the Union gunboat, HARRIET
LANE. He had died defending his command during the Civil War Battle of Galveston on January
evening when that new and 1, 1863.
magnificent Thespian temple,
the Grand opera house, was On the opposite page is the article published in the Galveston Daily News on January 4th, 1895,
formally thrown open to the the day after the grand opening. I have transcribed the original newspaper article for legibility
purposes. A couple of intriguing things stand out that are worth mentioning.
public” - The News, Janu-
ary 4th, 1865. First is the elevated sense of excitement during,
------------------------------- as well as following, the grand opening. It seems
that people recognized the Grands significance
“Grand Opening attend- both as a structure built for the ages and that the
edby the beauty, chivalry structure would house decades of entertainment,
and intelligence of culture and economic value on the island.
Galveston, dressed for the Second is the authors description of the people
occasion in their finest that attended the grand opening and the build-
ing’s beauty. The gala opening was attended, as
attire” - The News, Janu- reported in the NEWS, “by the beauty, chivalry
ary 4th, 1865. and intelligence” of Galveston, dressed for the
occasion in their finest attire. They came to see
“the beautiful building, its magnificent appoint-
ments, its artistic design and its elegant finish.”
Unfortunately, there are only a few pictures of
the grand opening in archives, none of which is
print quality. However, the author paints a vivid
picture of the evening that compensates for the
lack of images.
The 1894 Grand Opera House played an essential role in the development of the Galveston enter-
tainment scene and will continue for many years to come. Even through the “unpredictable” chal-
lenges presented to the opera house through the years, Galvestonians have managed to preserve
one of the islands brilliant architectural treasures, the historical significance of the site to the island
and the powerful entertainment presence that was, and always will be, a huge part of Galveston.
Sources include the Rosenberg Library, Texas Historical Commision, Texas Genealogy Trails & Galveston Historical
Foundation. Thanks to these powerful resources for preserving our history.
48 | Waves Magazine | January 2019 Issue