Page 33 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 33

towards Creole than Cajun.  Al-     Galveston Restaurant Group     da joe-boats in dat bayou that it’s an authentic
         though enormously different than                                   flavor. Oysters, ANY of the po’boys, the boiled
         what I was used to, I developed   The Gumbo Diner’s NOLA’s Sea-    shrimp, the boudin balls, the red beans and rice,
          great respect and appreciation for   food Balls, “Cajun Pistolettes” fried   the gator bites; all extraordinary. Even their
         their unique flavors.             roll stuffed with crawfish étouffée,   Muffuletta is on point. Again, you are going to
                                           Seafood Gumbo (shrimp, crab &    have a wait most of the time but hey, it’s not a
         Now, living on the Island, I regu-  oyster), Chicken & Sausage Gumbo,   fast-food joint. If you are looking for speed, get
          larly crave both Cajun and Creole   Crawfish Étouffée and the Beignets   on down the street!
         flavors. There are remarkable     all contribute to the taste of New
         choices in Cajun/Creole-inspired   Orleans. Little Daddy’s Gumbo Bar   While nothing beats walking in Grandmas house
         cuisine on the island, although I   has a pretty good Gumbo if you   and seeing a rich black roux peeking over the
         have not discovered the flavors of   would rather have a medium roux   edge of the most beat-up cast-iron gumbo pot
          my hometown in any commercial    than the motor oil roux I like.    imaginable, these menu choices are about as
         restaurant. Nevertheless, the lean                                 close as you will get in the commercial environ-
         towards New Orleans Flair satisfies      Not So Big Boys           ment on the island.
          and that is what is essentially found
          on the Island, even if they market   This is where the unlikeness of   Check ‘em out. Eat. Rest. Then eat some more.
         themselves as Cajun.             flavors mirror that of a little closer   Don’t listen to all this scientific mumbo-jumbo
                                           to true Cajun cuisine. The fami-  about eating in “moderation”. Those hungry
                  The Big Boys:            ly-owned jewels or, rather the “un-  scientist-like folks need a good slap in the mott.
              Landry’s Restaurants &       touched by the big boys’ places.   EAT!
            Galveston Restaurant Group
                                          Cajun Greek does an exceptional
         These two extensive restaurant    job on their crawfish, catfish and
          groups, Landry’s and Galveston   oyster po’boys. The Oyster platter is
         Restaurant Group, have some awe-  an excellent option as well. Leos Ca-
          some Cajun/Creole-inspired dishes.  jun Corner has magnificent boudin   Comments: Send them to me directly at
                                           and sausages with huge portions.
         Bubba Gump’s Shrimp New Orle-     Both of these spots are awesome
          ans dish is good. Its Shrimp broiled  weekly go-to’s, especially for lunch.
         with butter, garlic, and spices
          served over rice. Their Bourbon        The Best For Last:
          Street Charbroiled Cajun spiced
         Mahi Mahi with Bourbon Sauce      Remember I stated earlier that I
          and Grilled Shrimp served over   miss that “down and dirty” (mean-
          mashed potatoes has a great New   ing GOOD) taste of authentic
         Orleans flair as well.            Cajun food? Benno’s Cajun Seafood
                                           Restaurant for fried food is the clos-
         Over at Fisherman’s Wharf, their   est I have found. The jambalaya is
         “Pontchartrain Sauce” is a savory   spot on and there is no better craw-
         topping and the “Crawfish Etouf-  fish in the area. The Gumbo is a bit
         fee” is adequate (even with the   thin, so I pass on it. But the oyster
         blond roux in the dish.) There is   and shrimp plates make up for ev-
          also a crab-stuffing that they stuff   erything. As with any “diamond in
         their Porkchop with, along with   the rough” establishments, you will
         crawfish tails and a thick sauce that   essentially always have a longer than
          is excellent.                    usual wait, but it’s worth the wait.

         Fishtales has a dish called “Bour-  For the Gumbo, The Black Pearl is
         bon Street” with Blackened shrimp,   the leader of the pack. This is one
         crab, andouille sausage, crawfish   of the eateries that does not market
          and a Cajun cream sauce that has a   themselves as a “Cajun” restau-
          good New Orleans kick to it.     rant, but when their menu titles or
                                           descriptions claims a taste of Cajun
                                           or New Orleans, you can bet all
                                                                                    Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue | 33
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