Page 64 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 64

The Ronald McDonald House

                                                              O f  G a l v e s t o n

         Ronald McDonald House

                The Story of  Erika

                Stronger Than Fear

                                           ricka lost both her   life is different now because God has given me strength
                                           hands in a tragic     to continue being myself  and making a difference in
                                    E accident. This is          life. I give thanks for this trip to get my prosthesis; my
                                    her story in her own words   goal is to write so many things with them. I am made
                                    written with a pencil held   to go forth with resilience, to overcome, to achieve, to
                                    with her lips. She is a testa-  rejoice and to be happy.
                                    ment to the strength of  the                            Erika
                                    human spirit; an inspiration
                                    to us all.
                                                                         Wish List July 2019
                                                                         Wish List July 2019
                                                                         Wish List July 2019
                                    “My family has always been      •   Paper plates          •   Bottled water
                                    there, and they have been       •   Bowls                 •   Chicken broth
                                    aware of  my well-being.        •   Copy paper            •   Fresh lemons, limes
                                    When I needed anything,         •   Canned Tuna fish      •   Fresh fruit
                                    they were there. My Mom         •   Mayonnaise            •   Vegetables
                                    gets me ready every morn-       •   Popcorn
                                    ing when I go to school,
                                    and my Dad gives me moti-
          vation to continue and never give up.

          My life in Guatemala is very enjoyable because I play                         Ronald
          with my brothers and cousins. We like to joke around
          and go to places together. I give thanks to God and                           McDonald
          to the fact that I can still write without my hands. My                       House
          writing is not perfect because I am writing for the first                     of Galveston
          time since the accident. At school, I have very good
          grades; my friends help me and feed me during lunch.    Volunteer opportunities await those who can share a few
          I must also thank the people where I live in San Pedro   hours of time or consider cooking a meal for the families or
          Necto, they have supported me always.
                                                                 a game of Bingo…always a popular pastime in the evenings.
          Here in Galveston, at Shriners and at the Ronald Mc-     Call the Ronald McDonald House of  Galveston at
          Donald house, I have met a lot of  friends and I enjoy
          all of  them because we learn a lot from each other. My                 409-762-8770.

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